Chapter 10 My Last Game

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    It was twenty minutes till the start of my last game. My mind was racing, but my legs weren’t. We walked onto the field and I scanned the crowd. Josh was sitting by the end of the field by himself. I gave a small wave that was returned and then was dragged over to the bench. After we broke for kickoff, I went up to the center of the field and met the captain of the other team. The coin went up in the air and hit the ground. Tails, we kick first. A few minutes later I was running towards the other team’s goal. My foot made contact with the ball, I knew it was going in as soon as the ball left the ground. The crowd erupted in cheers. Running to the bench I took a look in the crowd and saw Josh jumping up and down cheering. My face went red. The game went by fast. We were doing great up. I was running faster than ever then, I hit the ground. My hands hit the ground hard. The second they did I knew something was wrong. I pushed myself up and held my right wrist as a few people ran onto the field. Coach came through and helped me to the sidelines. “Ah, I think it is sprained,” I said moving it a little. “Yeah, probably. Do you have anyone to take you to the hospital?” Coach asked. “Yeah, his boyfriend, because of you we might lose the game,” Alex yelled out. An audible gasp was heard from the team. “What the hell Alex!” I said before grabbing my bag and walking off towards my car. I heard my name being called from behind me. “Mell...Mell, wait up.” Someone called out. I turned around to see Josh running after me. “Hey, what happened?” He asked. “I think I sprained my wrist. I need to go to the hospital. Do you think you can take me?” I asked, “Yeah where are your keys?” I dug them out of my bag and threw them to Josh.

    As we made our way to the hospital by stomach turned knots as I thought about what Alex said. “His boyfriend. His boyfriend.” Those two words turned over and over in my head. “Mell. Mell!” Josh called out. He placed his hand on my arm. “We’re here.” He said. We walked into the emergency room, and I checked in. Josh called my dad who then came by and sat with me. I went to ex-rays and the doctor said it was sprained. I will have to wear a brace for two weeks. It wasn’t a big deal. Saturday came and went, and I went to my tailoring appointment. My tux fit fine and I hung out with Cade and Josh most of the time this weekend.

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