Weekend at last

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"It was so sad" he said walking out the theater, "it was not that sad but you didn't had to finish all the soda" I said. He frowned and we walked back to my house "well see you at monday" I said he nodded and walked away.

I kept thinking of who to take to hawaii for the weekend. So then I looked at my contacts and called all my friends before I said I was going to invite them they said. That they were busy, so I just ended up having to call Eric to see if he was not busy. "Really i'd love to" he said shouting over the phone.

"That's great meet me in the Airport and I'll give you the ticket" I said, he said yes and then hung up. I packed clothes skin products and other stuff. An hour later we met up at the airport. We got on the plane and order food, "this is so awesome I've never been in Hawaii" he said cheering.

"I really want to go swimming, oh and don't worry Juyeon I won't bother you" he said while staring at me. I patted his head and said "you would not be a distraction even if you were the only person in the world" I said smiling and then rest my head to take a nap. I saw Eric he was smiling and then he got his phone and texted his friends he was going to Hawaii.

We had a four day weekend and since were in spring the weather would be very nice to go to Hawaii. After, nine hours we went to our hotel and ordered food and unpacked. We went to eat at a luxury restaurant in the hotels, we had so much fun. He looked very cute making a castle with the sand in the beach. "Here" I said "thanks what is it?" he asked "it's a drink try it" I said sitting in the sand close to him.

We walked to the room but there was only one bed. We stood there staring at the bed and I said "I'll sleep at the couch." I went to grab some blankets and layed at the couch, then I hear Eric tell me that "come sleep in the bed it's big enough for both of us." "Are you sure" I asked he grabbed my arm and led me to the bed. He got on and got covered in blanket "come tomorrow is another day," I walked to the bed got on it and just said "good night Eric."

I smiled and then went to sleep "good night Jjuni" he said flattery. The next day, we had breakfast at a restaurant, we had banana pancakes. I felt that the people behind us were talking more than usual "look at them the tall one is so handsome is he dating that boy?" I heard people saying that and it made me feel weird. "Um excuse me can I have your number?" a girl asked "No sorry" I said back at her. "I understand it seems your already taken sorry" she said then walked away.

"Were not dating and I never will be dating him okay" I yelled back at the girl and all the people heard me saying that especially Eric. I looked at Eric and he started crying he ran away and didn't speaked to me for the whole day. The next day, we went back to school and didn't speaked to each other at all.

He was ignoring me he didn't even payed that much attention at class or eating his food at lunch. He seemed like someone broke up with him, did it really hurt him that bad? We were just friends nothing more. Did he had feelings for me? Do I like him?

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