Heart Stroke (Season 2)

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We graduated high school and planned to go to the same college. "Did the results came in?" I asked "not yet babe, calm down they'll be out soon" he said patting my head and then he kissed my forehead. "Where are you going?" I asked "to the store" he said with the door opened. I nodded and he left smiling and flying a kiss.

We have been together for two years my friends are already dating too. He walked to the grocery store and saw a paper inside the store it said be a photographer in London. He was smiling he grabbed the paper and finished shopping and went back inside the apartment.

"Babe look at this a job in London as a photographer I always wanted to that, I'll go search it up" he said excited I stood there silent thinking if he actually forgot "do you know what today is Juyeon" I asked. "Of course I do our anniversary duh you think I would forget, who do you are to think that, there's a cake in the bag" he said searching the job up.

I grabbed the cake it was in a box and it said "Happy Anniversary to the love of my life" I grabbed the sticky note and put it in my pocket I smiled and opened it. I grabbed a fork and cam to Juyeon I fed him a piece and he then kissed me with the cake still in his mouth. "Look babe you can spent five months working and getting paid in London, even if you don't understand english" he said all happy.

"Are you going to try to get the job?" I asked "oh yes I am" he said all excited. "So you won't want to go to the same college with me" I said all sad, I backed away looking at him he stopped searching up he closed the labtop. And walked towards me he pushed me down the bed he said "I signed up in the same college with you and if I don't get in then I would take the job."

"But then we would be distanced away how will be able to see you everyday" I said sad. "Dn't worry there is high chances I won't be able to get the job, dont worry cutie" he said smiling and kissed my forehead.

It was the night we were sleeping together as always, Juyeon was already fast asleep I tried to get quietly and slowly I grabbed the paper and said "please don't take him away from me to, I don't want to lose him to. Okay I beg you" I said with a tear falling my face.

After two weeks, everything was the same, but the day the results came in Juyeon broke to pieces he didn't speaked or eat. I got in with a high percentage but Juyeon didn't.

And I wanted him to go more then me, if he was able to go it won't be hard for me to enter. But the other way around it would be impossible. "Juyeon please eat something your so thin" I said begging him. He looked at me and grabbed the fruits that were in the table. "I don't want to see you worry about me, just focus on school for now on okay, you can't lose this chance because of me" he said quietly. "Then what are you going to do?" I asked "I'll try to get the job in London and If I dont' get that then I get a part time job, don't worry about me" he said.

But abviously I was going to be worried, because of the job in London. It has past three days Juyeon finished doing the application and waited to not lose hope he dyed his hair dark blue and bought new clothes and accessories. "You don't need all that babe, if you go to London then you will buy tons of things there" I said. "I know I just want to be set even if I don't get the job. And shouldn't you be getting ready to start your first day" he said.

I looked at him and went to go get ready, I wasn't ready for the results it looks like he really wants to go. I was taking my shower I wanted to tell him not to go but I realized that when I got in he told me to go and not to stay because of him, so I should let him do what he loves to. I can't stop him because of me maybe he will never get another chance.

I need to let him go.

Too close JuyeonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora