Chapter Two: "Dysfunctional Families And Business Discussions"

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"No!" The dwarf walking in front of Carver and I repeated for what felt like the hundredth time, "Andraste, human! You know how many people want to hire onto this expedition?"

Carver sighed, "Look, we know you're going into the Deep Roads. You'll need to hire the best, and we're-"

"Nope. You're too late. Already done."

"The money from this trip could fix everything for us!" Carver yelled, "And you need us! We've fought darkspawn!"

"Look, precious," The dwarf seemed to growl, "I don't care if you tore the horns off an ogre with your bare hands."

"You make him understand!" Carver screamed at me, "We're running from your bloody templars!"

I rolled my eyes, "My brother has a point. It's on his head, but it's still valid."

"Oh, thanks for that," He threw his hands up.

"So what about it, Bartrand?" I said to the dwarf, "What's it going to take to prove we're what you need?"

He scoffed, "You're looking for a quick way out of the slums, right? You and every other Ferelden in this dump. Find another meal ticket," And with that, he was gone.

"Well, back to waiting for someone to turn us in," Carver spat.

"You can relax," I scowled at him, "After all, the templars dogging us are 'mine'."

He sighed, "Did I sound that bad? I'm turning into Gamlen." We started heading back home, and he spoke again, "Gamlen...He's got the head for this garbage. Maybe he can talk to Bartrand? He knows some people. After last week, we need all the coin and influence we can get."

With a smirk, I said, "You catch more flies with honey, but Gamlen's bullshit could work too."

Unfortunately, Carver didn't laugh, "Well he did get us into the city, right? What else can we do? We're losing ground, and I don't fancy waking up in the Gallows."

I shrugged, not wanting to ask Gamlen for help, but not having another way either. Out of nowhere as we walked, a red-haired man bolted in front of us, grabbed the small bag that I carried, which contained the little coin that Carver and I had left, and sprinted off with it.

I cursed and ran after him, but didn't have to go very far. An arrow shot across the courtyard, barely missing me, but perfectly catching the thief's shoulder. It pinned him to the wall behind him, and made him drop the bag.

I retrieved my belongings, Carver catching up to meet me, as a dwarf with a crossbow on his back stepped into the light. We stayed silent as he spoke, "I knew a guy once who could take every coin out of your pockets just by smiling at you," With a bow, he said, "How do you do? Varric Tethras, at your service. I apologize for Bartrand. He wouldn't know an opportunity if it hit him square in the jaw."

"And you would?" I inquired, focusing rather hard on not letting myself flirt with the rather handsome dwarf. Carver would hate me even more, then.

"I would!" Varric promised, "What my brother Bartrand doesn't realize, is that we need someone like you. He would never admit it either, he's too proud. I, however, am quite practical."

"You're part of Bartrand's venture?"

"That's right. The Deep Roads aren't normally my thing, but I can't let the head of our family go down there alone. So as you might imagine, I have more than a passing interest in this expedition's success."

I pondered his words for a moment, "What makes you so sure we can help? You know nothing about us."

"On the contrary, you've made quite the name for yourself over the last year. The Red Iron's the strongest mercenary group out there, and they owe it all to you. The name 'Garrett Hawke' is on many lips these days. Not bad for a Ferelden fresh of the boat!"

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