Chapter Six: "Ambushed"

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I made my way up the stairs, stepping through the open door into the viscount's keep.

"The compound was not meant to be permanent," A man standing beside the viscount was saying as I entered, "There are concerns the Qunari influence longer contained."

"Was it ever?" The viscount asked, "Kirkwall has tension enough between templar and mage, but these Qunari...they sit like gargoyles, waiting for Maker knows what, and everyone goes mad around them. Nearly four years I have stood between fanatics. And now this," He gestured towards several papers on his desk.

"Don't keep us in suspense," I grinned, announcing my presence.

"Leave us," The viscount told the unnamed man, and then we were alone, the viscount speaking to just me, "Meredith at my throat, Orsino at my heels, and a city scared of the Qun. Balance has held because the Qunari ask for nothing. Even the space in Lowtown was a 'gift' to contain them. But now, the Arishok has requested you. By name. What did you do?"

I had a sudden intense flashback of going to visit with the Arishok several weeks after my first meeting with him. We smoothed things over a bit, he began teaching me some Qun. And, then, well...Some other things happened.

I smiled brightly at the viscount, wondering if he'd catch my meaning, "I can't help it if I make an impression."

"Apparently not," He frowned, "Speak to the Arishok. Give him what he needs to keep the peace. Can you do that for Kirkwall, Serah Garrett?"

"I am willing to assist," I promised, partly because now I was really thinking about getting some time alone with the Arishok.

"That is an attitude this city has lacked for a long time. Appease the Arishok. Take his demand and let him return to being dormant," The viscount finished, excusing me from the keep.

I made my way down the steps out of the building, walking a bit further into Hightown. It was hard for me to believe that mother and I now lived in a mansion. I'd written to Carver, telling him that if he ever needed, he was welcome too. He responded but never visited.

I headed home to switch out my leather armor, and said hello to Mother before she began a conversation, "I've been wondering if I shouldn't remarry," She said, before giving me a knowing look, "I've seen how that Anders fellow looks at you. I'm sure the last thing you need is your mother watching over your shoulder every time you come home."

My face got hot as I thought about Anders, and I laughed nervously, "As long as you're happy."

After that somewhat awkward conversation, I stopped by the Hanged Man to check in with Varric. When I arrived, Varric was speaking to a man that I didn't recognize, "Just tell me if you hear more rumblings from the Coterie about protection. Blondie's got enough trouble..."

I got very worried for a moment. 'Blondie' was Varric's nickname for Anders.

The other man left, and Varric addressed me, "Let me ask you something, Garrett. You made it into Hightown, I'd expect anyone to complacent. But you must have plans."

I sighed, "No plans yet. I'm simply trying to look out for mother."

His gaze became sympathetic, "After the whole business with Carver, its a good idea to hang on to what you've got. To be honest, I thought there might be a chance you'd want to go back to Ferelden now that things have calmed down," He paused for a moment, "It's good to hear you're sticking around."

I smiled, enveloping him in a tight hug, "What would I do without my trusty dwarf? I'd cry myself to sleep without you."

He laughed, embracing me back, "Oh, don't get teary-eyed on me, Garrett. You know I can't stand to see a human cry. Especially when it's you." When I set him back down, he took my hand gingerly, "I know you're kinda hung up on Blondie right now, but...well, my door's still always open for you, Garrett. If you need a friend, or a shoulder, or...a night."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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