Chapter Three: "The Warden And The Blood Mage"

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Lirene's Ferelden Imports was the name of the small place Varric had told us to ask around in. I made my way up to the front desk carefully, Carver right behind me.

A small, yet imposing woman whom I assumed was Lirene, spoke to me, "If you're seeking aid, leave your name with my girl. We serve everyone here. No one came from Ferelden without trouble. But I can't give priority to anyone who's already found work and lodgings."

"I hear you know where I can find a Ferelden Grey Warden," I said.

"Only Ferelden Grey Warden I've heard of is sitting on the throne. We're out of the Blight's path now. Why would you need a Warden?"

I was a bit discouraged by her answer until someone in the crowd called out, "The healer was one of them once, wasn't he? A Warden?"

Lirene frowned, "Well he's not now. And busy enough without answering fool questions about it."

"Then I'll only ask very smart questions," I smiled.

"I do not joke, serah," She glared at me, "You see what our people face in Kirkwall. They have no jobs, no homes. Most can barely buy bread. This healer, he serves them without thought for coin. He's closed their wounds, delivered their children-"

"And yet he needs to hide?" Carver asked.

"He's a good man," Lirene pushed, "I won't lose him to the blighted templars."

"You mean he's a mage?" I gasped.

"Would I stick my neck out for someone inexperienced?"

"Oh, perish the thought," Carver groaned, "Another delicate mage flower."

Lirene shook her head, "He doesn't want to be locked in the Gallows just for using the gifts the Maker gave him."

"He's in no danger from me," I assured her, rather tempted to show her that I was also a mage, but deciding against it.

She sighed, "I suppose it isn't my secret to keep. Anders has certainly been free enough with his services. Refugees in Darktown know, to find the healer, look for the lit lantern. If you have need enough, Anders will be within."

Carver and I headed to Darktown immediately. Darktown was the part of Kirkwall that was underground, and most of the people who lived there were even poorer than the people of Lowtown. Eventually, we found the lit lanterns that Lirene had spoke of, and two large double doors. We entered.

Inside, a small boy was lying unmoving on a table. A man and a woman, presumably his mother and father, were on one side of him, and a second man was on the other. The man's hands were glowing a very bright blue, some sort of magic, and he waved them in a series of motions over the body of the child. The boy sat up, and he and his parents left. But the man, Anders most likely, looked incredibly drained.

As we got closer, Anders grabbed his staff that was nearby and turned to face us, standing and brandishing his weapon, "I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation. Why do you threaten it?" He asked, his voice quite beautiful despite the circumstance.

"I mean you no harm," I promised, taking a small step backward, "I only heard that you were once a Warden and..."

"Did the Wardens send you to bring me back? I'm not going. Those blighters made me get rid of my cat. Poor Ser Pounce A Lot. He hated the Deep Roads."

"So you came to Kirkwall to escape the Wardens?"

"You say that like its a small thing," Anders sighed, "Yes, I'm here because there's no Warden outpost, no darkspawn, and a whole host of refugees to blend in with. And...some reasons of my own."

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