Chapter 6

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The setting sun shined in through the kitchen windows. A pot of pasta was cooking on the stove. My gaze was fixed on a lilac foxglove swaying slightly in the breeze.

Suddenly a dark figure darted behind the delicate flower. I blinked rapidly. The figure was gone. I sighed, my senses have been on high alert since we came downstairs from my bedroom.

I had forgotten to tell Oliver that my mom isn't here and I had know idea what to do. A scratching sound echoed through the house. Sarah was in the shower, so it was just me downstairs.

A sense of panic gripped me. I took a deep breath and moved towards the sound. My ears led me to the back door that leads into our small back garden. I manoeuvred my way through the television room furniture and prepared myself for what was behind the door. I laid my fingers on the handle, gripped it and turned. It was a boy, with his back to me.

I stood for a few moments, relieved shock paralysing me. The boy turned around. Instantly my relief transformed into fear. His face was mostly dark hair and his fangs were bared.

He snarled at me. I stepped back slowly into the house. He took a step towards me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, which then flush with anger. Crying is for the weak.

His light blue eyes widened slightly and suddenly his face lost the shaggy hair. His teeth returned to normal and he looked like the human I mistook him for.
He looked at me guiltily and I glared back.

"Sorry about that." he said, his eyes avoiding mine. "Who are you?" I said.
"Timothy Adamson, blue family." he said. "Natalie Harrison, and I don't really care." I said.

"I remember you." Timothy said, a sad look on his face. "Well, creeper I don't remember you." I said, wishing he would just leave already.

"I used to wish I was you." he said. My eyes widen slightly. "You know it was great meeting you but I have to go." I said quickly closing the door. With the speed of light he jams his foot in between the door and its frame.

"I meant, I used to wish I was the Pack Leader's child." he said smiling. "Okay. Good night." I said slamming the door. I turned and walked away.

"Natalie," he called from the door. I stormed back and opened the door forcefully. "What?" I asked. "Can I come in?" Timothy asked. "Of course not." I said.

"Natalie, just let him in." Sarah said from behind me. I whipped my head around and glared at her, which she ignored. Her hair hung down onto one of my hoodies and she was wearing a pair of my sleeping shorts.

Her wet hair was leaving trails of water on my clothes. Timothy seized the opportunity and sauntered in, grinning at me. I opened my mouth to point out how irresponsible she was being but she spoke before I could.

"Just go shower and when you come down dinner will be ready." Sarah said before leading Timothy into the kitchen. I stood in a stunned daze for a few moments before walking upstairs to shower.

I emerged half an hour later scrubbed raw and smelling like a tropical paradise. At least that is what the label calls the scent currently clinging to my body. I walked downstairs and the smell of cooked pasta enveloped me like a warm hug.

"That smells great." I said upon entering the kitchen. "Why thank you." Timothy said. He was standing behind the stove with a spoon in his hand.

"He insisted on finishing off the cooking. Isn't he just so sweet." Sarah declared, her question more of a statement. I nodded distractedly.

"So what brings you here, to my house, Timothy?" I asked taking a seat next to Sarah on the counter.

"Well it was a full moon and I was thinking about my envy-ridden childhood. Being angry on a full moon isn't good. My judgement was clouded. All I could think of was my hurt. Only when I truly looked into your eyes did I calm down." he said.
I blushed slightly but then brushed it off.

"Do you know Indigo Freshford?" I asked. Sarah looked at me, but I lifted my hand just enough to show that I had got this handled.

"Sort of, why?" he asked. "No reason." I said. "What were you really doing here tonight?" I asked. I could feel him lying, I could sense the dishonesty in his words.

"Ah, so many questions and no answers. Well that is life really." he said cryptically. I sighed in frustration.

"Stop interrogating the poor guy and fetch us bowls." Sarah said. I huffed angrily and jumped off the counter. I found three ceramic bowls and banged them down hard on the counter.

I walked up to Timothy, we were so close our bodies were almost touching. "Until you tell me the truth you are not welcome here." I growled. He smiled, which angered me further.

"How do you know he is lying?" Sarah asked with her arms crossed. "I can sense it." I said, aware of how crazy I sounded.

"We werewolves are very good at sniffing out liars." Timothy said, chuckling at his own pun. "I'm not a werewolf. I thought you knew that." I said.

"Oh I know, but I think you are more wolf than you believe." He said smiling. "Dinner's ready." he announced suddenly before I could respond.

"Pass the salt please." Timothy said turning to Sarah. She passed it along without removing her gaze from the flickering television.

"This is really good." I said begrudgingly to Timothy. He smiled slightly, "It's just pasta, anyone could make it."

Sarah smiled but said nothing. I rolled my eyes, I just knew she was up to something. After we finish dinner I collected Timothy and Sarah's plates. Sarah smiles in gratitude before her eyes return to the television. I did not know what was playing, it's probably reality shows.

"No don't worry, I'll take them." Timothy objected as I take his plate. "No, it's fine." I said and looked into his eyes. He smiled and slumped against the couch.

I did not know what to make of Timothy. I could feel the good in him, but I could also feel the bad. I did not know how, I just knew. There was a fight within him, the good against the bad. I just hoped the good wins.

"Can I ask you a question?" Timothy said. "Ask away." Sarah said. "Can I stay over?" he asked. I was taken aback. I was about to say no when Sarah answered. "Of course."

"What? Are you completely insane?" I hissed "Maybe." Sarah smiled. "This is not a joke! We do not know this boy. He could be a killer for all we know." I said.

"We can't trust him." I said. "We can't trust him? Why, because your 'wolf instincts' told you." she said.

"Um, I'm right here." Timothy said. I ignored him and Sarah smiled at him apologetically.

"No, we just can't. Okay?" I said. A sound accompanied my angry words. It sounds like a growl. Sarah's eyes widenes and I covered my mouth with my hand in shock.

"Ha, told you that you are a wolf deep down." I could hear Timothy's smirk before I saw it. "I am human if you haven't noticed." I said. Sarah was still staring at me though, as if I am some sort of monster.

I sighed. "He can stay. But on the couch and if you come upstairs I swear I will call the police." I said. Timothy nodded. "Thank you." He said. I ignored him.

"I think it is time for bed." I said. I fetched Timothy blankets and a pillow from our linen cupboard. "Good night." I said. "Good night." he smiled.

"Thanks wolf girl." Sarah laughed as we walk up the stairs. "Shut up." I said. We entered my room and she climbed into my double bed. I locked the door behind me.

She raised her eyebrows and I looks at her seriously, "You may trust him, but I don't."

Author's note:

Wasuuuup bitchachos

So, how did you like the chapter?

What do you think of Timothy?

And what do you think of Sarah trusting him? Yo if I were Natalie I would have been like the eff no he can't stay over

Please vote and comment :D


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