Chapter 7

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The wind was on the withered heath,
but in the forest stirred no leaf;
there shadows lay by night and day,
and dark things silent crept beneath

The wind came down from mountains cold,
and like a tide it roared and rolled;
the branches groaned, the forest moaned,
and leaves were laid upon the mould.

The wind went from West to East
all movement in the forest ceased,
but shrill and harsh across the marsh
its whistling voices were released.

The grasses hissed, their tassels bent,
the reeds were rattling - on it went
o'er shaken pool under heavens cool
where racing clouds were torn and rent.

It passed the lonely Mountain bare
and swept above the dragon's lair:
there black and dark lay boulders stark
and flying smoke was in the air.

It left the world and took its flight
over the wide seas of the night.
The moon set sail upon the gale,
and stars were fanned to leaping light.
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

My dad always read to me. His favourite book was The Hobbit. I memorised that poem without even thinking. Each night ,before I fall asleep, I recite it in my mind. I keep my dad's copy of The Hobbit next to my bed.

I miss him so much. There is a piece of myself that died when he did. I was told it was a car crash that killed him. Something distracted him and he went flying off of the highway and onto the ground below. I now know he died protecting me. I wished he had told me about his other life.

I thought I had known him, but he had been living two lives and I was only aware of one. I knew he had been trying to keep me safe, but I just wished he had told me something.

I rolled over onto my side. These thoughts were keeping me awake. I haf woken up a few minutes ago and I could not fall asleep again. I lay, for what seemed like an eternity, staring at my father's book. Finally I started to doze off, my head swarming with hobbits and dwarves and adventure.

I wake up and the first the thing I notice is that my door is open. The second thing I notice is a boy's hand over my mouth. "Timothy you little shit! I will kill you." I snarl, but it just sounds like a jumbled mess because his hand is over my mouth. He smiles maniacally at me, his torquoise eyes glinting in the moonlight streaming through my naked window. The stars are bright and numerous, they populate the sky like guardian angels. "Lesson one: never let someone you don't know stay over." he says, his hand still blocking my voice. I narrow my eyes at him and open my jaw. His eyes widen and he tries to lift his hand, but he is too late. I bite him with strength I was not aware I possessed. He howls in pain and yanks his hand out of my mouth. He is on top of me, but then I flip him over and the roles are switched. "What the hell are you doing! I should never have let you stay over." I spit out venomously. "Why don't you get off of me and then I will explain." he smiles at me. Does really think that flashing his pearly teeth at me will get me to budge? "Haha, no." I say folding my arms. "Aw, come on Nat." he pouts. "Only my friends call me Nat." I growl. He sighs, "I didn't want to have to do this." He bites my leg and, while I am in shock, grabs my arms and slams me onto the bed. I howl in pain. "Now get dressed, we are going out." Timothy says, his smile sickly sweet. He walks out of my room, closing my broken door behind him. I growl, a low rumbling sound that echoes through my chest.

"Oh my word! Sarah, are you okay?" I exclaim leaping off of my bed and rushing over to where Sarah lies. My limbs ache, but right now all I care about is my best friend. She is lying twisted just under my large window. "Timothy..." she croaks. "I know, he's a real douche. I've got to go with him though. Just lock yourself in the bathroom, okay? I don't want you to get hurt." I say helping her up. She tries to protest but I interrupt her, "Just stay here, okay?" she nods slowly in pain. I throw a grey jersey over my pyjama top and I grab a pair of black boots. I quickly exchange my pyjama pants for black leggings. I search my room for anything silver. I slip a silver chain with a plain waning moon around my neck and I shove a silver ring consisting of small silver stars in my jersey pocket. I rush down the dark stairs. My phone and ring bounce in my pockets as I rocket down the stairs. All the lights are off and I almost trip in my haste. "You came. I thought you would run away." Timothy smiles, and I gag. I straighten up and look him at him directly in the eyes, "I am no coward." Timothy chuckles, "Well that is evident." My heart bangs against my rib cage and I am trying hard to control my ragged breath. "You may not be a coward but you are visibly frightened." Timothy grins. He suddenly lunges forward and grabs my wrist. "Let's go for a walk, and I will explain everything." I nodded and he pulled me out of my own house through the back door. "I'm sure you are wandering why I am acting the way I am." he said leading me around my house and out of the front gate. The streetlights lit up the empty road with their unnatural yellow light. I shiver, I should have worn a thicker jersey. Too late now. Timothy waits until we are standing at the forest border before he speaks again. "I had to teach you a lesson." he said quietly. Despite his soft tone, his words still pierced the thick silence that night brings. "Yes, you already told me that. But why are you being such a..." I searched for a suitable word. "...creep!" I finish. "I don't know. Probably because it is highly amusing." he grins. "Andrew asked me to keep an eye on you, so I am." Timothy says stopping and leaning against a tree. My fear dissipates as quickly as it fizzled up. "So you are not a psychopath, just a fool." I say more to myself than him. I jab my finger into his chest, "Why couldn't you just keep an eye on me from afar? You did not have to scare me to death, or beat up my best friend." I say, my blood boiling. "I only knocked her out. What happened afterwards is not my fault." he said defensively. "Just shut up! I don't actually care anymore." I burst like a balloon. "I didn't mean to..." Timothy starts gently. I did not hear the rest of his sentence, because I marched off in the direction of my house. At least, I thought it was the direction of my house.

I end up at the bottom of the log blocking Ethan's clearing. I use the only ounce of energy I have left to scramble up and down the log. "Natalie, what are you doing here?" Ethan stands a few metres in front of his cottage. The stream whispers of fun games and cool, soothing swims. It fills the clearing with its trickling. Ethan must have seen the exhaustion in my posture because next thing I knew, he was herding me into his living room. I collapsed onto the couch. He placed a rainbow crocheted blanket over me and smiled, "I'll bring you some tea." What seemed like moments later, Ethan reappeared carrying a steaming floral mug. "Thank you." I smiled sitting up and recieving the warm beverage. "So, what happened?" Ethan asked sitting down in a velvet green armchair that matched the foliage surrounding his home. "Do you know Timothy Adamson?" I asked before taking a sip of my tea. Ethan smiled, "Sweetie, I know everybody. I have known that boy since he was in diapers. He is a good chap, most of the time. He's a bit off his rocker though, if you know what I mean. I have a theory that his parents dropped him as an infant." I almost laughed at that. Almost. "Well, Timothy showed up at my house, fangs and all. He said he was jealous of me as a child and got angry and since it is a full moon, he lost control. After he calmed down, Sarah invited him inside. He had dinner with us. Then Timothy asked if he could stay the night. I, being the idiot I am, said yes. When we went to bed, Sarah locked my bedroom door. I woke up in the middle of the night with Timothy's hand over my mouth. He had knocked Sarah out and he told me to get dressed and follow him. I did as he said. I also told Sarah to lock herself in the bathroom. I walked with Timothy into the forest. When I asked him why he was doing all this he said he had to teach me a lesson about letting strangers stay over, and that it amused him, toying with us amused him. I was so angry that I just ran, and I ended up here. I feel like such a fool. I didn't have to scare Sarah like that." I sighed taking another sip of tea. "You did the right thing telling Sarah to lock herself in the bathroom. Now, you need to rest." Ethan said hoisting himself out of the emerald armchair. "What about Sarah?" I asked, my eyelids already drooping. "I'll fetch her." The last thing I saw was Ethan's smiling face before I fell into the clutches of night.

"Wake up Natalie." a voice shattered my peaceful slumber. " A few more minutes mom." I groaned. "It's Sarah." she said. My eyes flew open and my heart filled with relief. "Ethan fetched me, and told me everything. I cannot believe Timothy played with us like that. On a happier note, riding on the back of a wolf is so much fun." That's Sarah for you, never negative for too long. She always looks on the bright side of things. Sarah is annoying like that. "What time is it?" I asked. "About two- thirty." she said brightly. I sighed, only Sarah could still be full of energy this early in the morning. "I'm going back to sleep." I said turning to face the couch. "Me too." Sarah said lying down on the couch, her head where my feet were. "Just keep those stinky things away from me." Sarah laughed poking my feet. I laughed and then curled up even tighter. Sarah and I fell asleep on a couch only big enough for one person. But that was okay, because we are one person.
We have been for years.

Author's note:


The Hobbit is actually one of my favourite books and I really love that song/poem.
I do not take credit for any of that song/poem. It was written by J.R.R. Tolkien.

So what did you think of that chapter?

And Timothy? Isn't he a douche?

And isn't Ethan just too sweet?

I have nearly hit 200 reads! Yay! I am really grateful to all of you who are reading my book. If you like Don't go in there please please please tell your friends, family and enemies to read it, and even people you don't know, tell them too! Like while you're walking down the road just randomly shout: "Don't go in there is a great book! You should all download Wattpad and read it!"

That's all from me :p

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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