Chapter Nineteen

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                                                                            Three Months later

Clara was finally ready to execute her plan. It had taken a while but the time was right. Clara made sure that Tori was asleep and she had her headphones on playing music so she could sleep quietly. Mac and Jayden were at work and Kane was in the Garage. Clara started to make her way towards the garage in her little porcelain form. Clara turned into her human form, her ginger hair intact, blue eyes glazed and porcelain white skin perfect apart from the trauma of past time. Her black dress swished as she pushed open the door and shut it behind her. Kane was working on the car when he heard the door shut. Thinking it was Tori he continued working for a second then sat up whipping his oil covered hands off. When he stood up and turned around it wasn't the girl he could consider his daughter, no it was a ginger woman who looked deranged.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He yelled out. Clara scoffed, raising her eyebrows, egging him on. Kane picked up a wrench and ran toward the woman but before he could hit her she grabbed him by the wrist and a horrible CRUNCH went through the air and Clara didn't stop there. She kneed him in the balls and snapped his arm backwards and dislocated it so it was pointing at a fifty degree angle behind him. Kane screamed out trying to grab something but Clara let go of his arm and stabbed him in the back of the neck but not deep enough to kill him only enough to paralyze him. She pressed her cold pale hands on his forehead, digging her nails into his skin and began peeling back the skin on his face as he screamed Clara giggled and yanked the skin, taking the knife she spreaded it from the muscles, the entire top have of his face was peeled of leaving the veiny flesh and muscle exposed and Clara took advantage of that and began poking and prodding at it. Kane cried and screamed even louder but that would do anything and he knew that.

Clara began pulling at the skin again and tearing a piece of flesh with it, Kane let out one of his most pained screams so far and that made Clara laugh even harder as she picked up the knife and began cutting away the flesh still connected to the skin. His face was hanging off the tip of his nose waiting to be peeled off the rest of the way. Clara's bloodstained hands got back to work ripping and tearing the rubbery flesh of Kane's face. Taking the knife once more she removed the flesh still connected and cut off the flesh letting the face drop on the floor with a SPLAT. Clara whipped her bloody hand on her forehead and taking her sharp nails started stabbing the exposed flesh laughing about nothing in particular but it was drowned out by Kanes screams. Getting bored she made a claw shape with her hands as Kane begged her to stop. She pushed her hands into his eye sockets, turning them sideways and yanking his eyes came out with tears going down his face as he wished he was dead. Clara took her knife and stabbed the knife into one of the sockets hitting the brain. Twisting and turning the knife Kane was dead. Wiping the back of her bloody hands on her cheeks spreading the blood. Picking up his face and eyeballs, she stuffed them into her dress pockets and grabbed the chainsaw, kerosine along with nails and a hammer. 

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