Chapter Two

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                                                                       About One Week Later

A banner was hung up in the very expensive home that read 'HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY EMILY'.

"EMILY COME DOWNSTAIRS, PLEASE." Eric shouted up the stairs and was standing next to an older woman who was rather plump; she was wearing a pink dress that ended at her calves and a fox skin dripped over her shoulders along with white flats, her grey hair was in a braid over her shoulder. The blond girl walked down the stairs a bounce in her step skipping a couple stairs at a time and then she stopped completely looking at the woman and she slowed down with a now very sad look on her face. She gripped the bottom of her puffy green dress and continued down the stairs.

"Why do you let her wear boy colours Eric, I thought I taught you better than this." The plump old lady stated.

Eric rolled his eyes at his mother's comment. This was a common occurrence every time she came over, turning back to his daughter who was still pouting as she finally reached the end of the stairs. Emily was immediately ambushed by her grandmother.

"You know sweet cheeks you should really wear more pink like your grandma huh."

Emily scrunched her face and looked at her grandmother. She was wearing way too much blush, pink eyeshadow and neon pink lipstick. It was dreadful to little Emily. Eric quickly grabbed his daughters hand and dragged her to the table where there was a mountain of presents waiting for her.

"Which one do you want to start with emily?"

Emily made a face and went to a pink bag, ripping through all the paper and pulled out a pink skirt. She faked a smile and looked at her grandmother, thanking her. She continued to tear through presents. She had pulled out at least six dresses, four skirts, a pack of socks, a pair of flats, two pairs of jeans, leggings, a couple Barbie dolls, and a practice make up kit.

The grandmother grabbed Emily's cheek and kissed it.

"Bye Sweetcheeks see you soon." the old woman stated .

Emily wiped away the pink lipstick on her cheek making a disgusted face. Eric let out a hard laugh on his daughter's face.

"Emily darling I have one more present for you."

Emily's face lit up like a disco ball.

"Really dad Really?!"

The man let out another laugh and grabbed the box handing it to the young girl.

Emily ripped the paper off the box, struggling with the tape she finally ripped it off. Emily opened the box's flaps, removing the paper in the box. Emily's face lit up and she let out a squeal removing the doll that was a half of the girl's size. The doll was absolutely gorgeous, her ginger curls stood out beautifully against the porcelain skin. Emily squealed again, hugging the doll to her chest, spinning around excitedly. Eric smiled knowing he made the right choice to pick this for his little girl.

"What's her name going to be, honey?"

"Clara, Her name is Clara."

Eric smiled at the name, It was pretty and unusual.

"Beautiful Emily, a very fitting name for such a pretty doll." Eric replied kindly.

Emily nodded smugly, still dancing with the doll. Emily skipped up the stairs holding Clara. Turning off the lights Emily didn't even bother to change she just got into bed holding Clara.

"Night-Night Clara"

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