The One Where we Meet Meredith, A Nice Girl from Seattle

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Meredith's Pov

I woke up early this morning. I couldn't be late for my first day at high school. My best friend, Cristina, has offered to pick me up. She says "Why ride the bus when you can ride with me?" and I agree, who would want to ride a bus full of smelly and sweaty kids? 

I took a shower and headed downstairs. Empty house, as usual. I grabbed a banana and my water bottle and went back upstairs to pack up my things for school. After that, I had some time to spare so I watched t.v. 

When I heard a honk outside, I knew it was Cristina. She saw me walk out and a huge grin appeared on her face. 


"Hi, Cristina!" I called back.

I climbed into the passengers seat and Cristina drove off, in the direction of the school. 

"So, how've you been? I haven't seen you since the 8th grade.", She asked, starting small but comfortable conversation.

"Good, you know my mother's not home, ever, as usual."

"Yeah, sorry about that, Mer. You can't pick your family."

"I wish I could."

The rest of the drive, we sit in silence, only the faint music from the radio playing. Minutes later, we are at school. 

"Well, I guess this is it."

"Yeah, but do you think we'll have any classes together?"

"Maybe. If not, I'll see you at lunch." She gives me a hug and we go our separate ways.

The first part of the day went by fast, and surprisingly enough, Cristina and I had one class together. 5th period, right before lunch. 

"Hey, Cristina! Come sit by me!"

"Alright!", Cristina said, sitting in the empty chair next to me. 

Soon, another girl comes and sits by me in the other chair next to me. 

"Hi, I'm Meredith."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Addison, but most people call me Addie."

She was pretty. She had long red hair and she was tall. I was kind of intimidated by her. Then, two boys come in the room. One has black hair and the other one has brown-blonde hair. The one with dark hair sits in front of me, and the one with the brown-blonde hair sits next to Cristina. 

The boy turns to me. "Hi, I'm Derek."

"Meredith, nice to me---"

Our conversation is cut off by the teacher. "You all can play Ice Breakers later, right now it's time to learn." He calls off of the sheet attached to his clipboard.

"Addison Montgomery?"

"Here", Addison responded.

"Derek Shepherd?"


"Mark Sloan?"


"Meredith Grey?"


"Cristina Yang?"


The class went by fast, considering science was always kind of my strong suit. After class, when I was about to walk out of the room, Mark and Addison came up from behind me.

"Your name is Meredith Grey?"

"Yes, why?", I ask, visibly confused and kind of scared.

"Is your mother the one and only famous surgeon Ellis Grey?"

There it was. I knew I couldn't keep this hidden forever, I have the woman's last name! But it would've been nice.

"Uhh.. yes. Ellis Grey is my mother. If you'll excuse me, I have to go to the restroom." I quickly changed the subject and ran off. I felt like I was suffocating. Why did I feel this way? Was I having a panic attack? Soon after I got myself together, I heard Cristina knock on the stall I was in.

"Hey, Mer? You okay? I saw you run in here, and you didn't look too good."

"I'm fine, Cristina. Just had a panic attack, that's all."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Well, Alex and George are waiting for us at the lunch table. Are you coming?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

"Okay. I'll be in the cafeteria if you need me."

"Thanks, Cristina."

"You're welcome." 

After I hear the door of the bathroom close, I slowly walk out of the stall and look at myself in the mirror. My mascara is smudged and my hair is messed up. I smooth my hair out with my hands then I wet a paper towel and wipe off the mascara that ran down my face. 

I wash my hands and walk out of the bathroom and into the cafeteria. I walk into the lunch line and order just a muffin. I wasn't really hungry. I sit at the table where Alex, George, and Cristina are and we talk for a while. 

When lunch is over, I go to 7th period then 8th period and Cristina and I ride back to my house.

"Goodbye, Mer. See you tomorrow!"

"Same to you, Cristina."


I was just about to settle down in the living room and do my homework when I heard a knock on the door. I open it, and to my surprise, Derek was standing there. 

"Oh, hi, Derek." Suddenly I became all too aware of what I was wearing. I just got out of the shower, and my hair was wet. And I was in a robe with nothing under it. 

"Uh... actually, give me a minute." I unintentionally slam the door and run upstairs. I quickly find a hoodie and some sweatpants to put on. I run back downstairs and Derek is still standing there, stunned. 

"Sorry, I didn't have anything on under my robe."

"It's fine. I actually came over to see if it was actually you."

"What do you mean?"

"My cousin lives a couple of blocks down from here, and she said that you lived here, I wanted to make sure she wasn't lying."

"Oh, well, yes, it's actually me."

"I see."

We stand there awkwardly for a couple of minutes before Derek speaks up.

"Well, that's kind of all I wanted. Also, you're really pretty."

And without another word, he's off and down the sidewalk. 

How could I have a crush on somebody I just met? And why did he make me feel so warm and wanted? 


A/N- When you're supposed to be doing schoolwork but you're writing a Wattpad story....... Anyway, I've seen a lot of stories where they are all in highschool, and I've already started writing one like this on my other account ( @heymerder).

In that story, I made Addison the bad guy, now she's the good guy, and her and Meredith are going to become good friends. I might even add Jackson, April, Callie, and Arizona in here, too. Anyway, hope you guys like this first chapter. Have a great day/night.

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