The One Where Meredith Receives Three Unexpected Visitors

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a/n- hi. hope everyone is staying safe and doing well in school (if you are in school). Anyway, hope you have a great evening/morning/night where ever you are!

Meredith's Pov

I woke up early again. Except this time it wasn't planned. My body woke up by itself. So I decided to get ready and sit on the porch and wait for Cristina. Around 30 or 45 minutes later, she texted me saying that something came up and she was sick, so we wouldn't be able to drive to school together.

I said okay and decided to walk instead. But as I was walking, I noticed a man walking behind me. I shrug it off but then he starts walking faster. So I start walking faster. Then he starts walking faster. At this point, I'm getting very scared. I try to run faster but then I trip, and he catches up to me. He gets on top of me and puts all of his weight on me. Since I was smaller than him, I could barely breathe.

I squirm and try to escape but his grip is too strong. Then he punches me in the eye, hard. After that, he picks me up and throws me down on the concrete sidewalk. I feel something in my arm snap. I feel my head start ringing and just as I feel myself about to pass out, I see a figure running towards the guy and I. I can tell it's a boy, perhaps around my age.

The boy pushes the man off of me and starts punching and kicking him. After he's done, he reaches down and helps me up. My vision clears and I can see that it's Derek. He's saying something, but I can't quite hear him.

"Hmmm?", I ask.

"Are you okay, Mer?"

"Mmm", I try to respond but I can't quite find the words.

"You're going to be okay, Meredith. I'm going to take you to the hospital."

He lifts me up with quite ease and we start back walking on the sidewalk. He puts me in what seems like his car and carefully buckles me in. He makes sure to not hit my injured arm. I try and succeed at saying something. "Thank you, Derek."

"You're welcome, Meredith."

I didn't realize how fast he was driving because we were at the hospital within minutes. Derek then helps me get out of the car, and again, lifting me with ease. Then he walks to the front desk and says what happened. 

The voice of a woman says to hold on then she guides Derek to a bed. He places me in the bed. Shortly after, a doctor comes. I can't see her face, but I see that she has black hair and she is tall. She's talking to a nurse with red hair. I manage to catch a moment of their conversation.

"Thank you, Nurse Olivia.", The doctor says. After she finishes her conversation, she turns to me. I look at her white coat and it says Callie Torres, M.D."

"Hi, I'm Dr. Torres. Nice to meet you."

"Hi, Dr. Torres. I'm Meredith."

She looks over my arm and touches it and I wince when slightly applies pressure to it.

"Ah, yeah, you have a broken arm. Don't fret, it's easy to fix. A simple procedure, that's all. We'll go in, stabilize the fracture, put on a cast, and you'll be ready to go."

"Okay, thanks."

She nods and continues to check on my arm. After she's finished, she tells me what time the surgery will be then her pager goes off and she walks away.

Derek places a hand on my hand. "The surgery is going to go fine, I'm sure. Don't worry, she seems experienced."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, thanks, Derek. Um, actually, could you stay here? I know we don't know each other that well, but you did save my life, so...."

"Of course I can stay. Let me just call my mother."

Derek's Pov

I was both surprised and happy that Meredith asked me to stay with her. She was right, we didn't know each other that well, but I trust her, and I'm glad that she trusts me.

I excuse myself to go call my mom. She answers on the second ring.

"Hi, sweetie, is everything okay? Why are you calling?"

"Hey, Ma. Don't worry I'm fine. I'm at the hospital."

"What? Derek Shepherd what did you do?! How on Earth can you be fine but at the hospital?!

"I'm not hurt. There's this girl in my class. She's hurt. I drove her to the hospital. I'm gonna stay."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll call the school. Are her parents there?"


"Well make sure she calls her parents. Wow, look at my boy, being a good citizen."

"Alright, Ma. That's enough."

"Haha, take good care of her, sweetie."

"Yes, Ma."

I say goodbye to my mother then head back over to where Meredith is. 

"What did she say? It's alright if she said no."

"No, no she said I could stay. I'm happy you asked, actually."

We continue to talk for a while. Then, Dr. Torres comes back. She tells Meredith it's time for the surgery. I wish both of them good luck and I gently hug Meredith. Then she's off to surgery.

Meredith's Pov

I wake up in a different room. It wasn't like the room I was in before, it was bigger. Derek was sitting on a couch beside my bed. I looked down at my arm. Dr. Torres was right, they did put a cast on my arm. 

The rest of the night goes smoothly, Derek stays the entire time and we talk for a while before I start to feel sleepy. He tells me goodnight then says he has to go home. After he leaves, I get comfortable and eventually fall asleep. 

When I wake up, there are three men standing in my room. They're dressed like doctors, but I can tell they aren't actually doctors because two of them are holding Pistols. One of the "doctors" points one at me and before I know it, I feel a stinging sensation in my stomach......

a/n- hi again. hope you enjoyed this chapter. have a great morning/night/evening where ever you are! stay safe!

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