The One Where Ellis Has a Change of Heart

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a/n- hi. hope everyone is staying safe. have a great morning/evening/night/afternoon, where ever you are! please comment and vote. thanks!!

Meredith's Pov

After some time, I finally got released from the hospital. The surgery went well, and all I needed was an arm cast. When I arrived at school, Cristina immediately loaded me with questions.

"Are you okay?" "Mer, what the hell happened?" "Did someone do this to you?"

"Cristina, I am fine, okay? I just broke my arm, it's not the end of the world."

"Mm-hmm. Whatever you say."

As we were walking to our lockers, Addison started walking with us.

"Hey, Addison.", Cristina said.

"Hi, Addie."

"Hi. How are you guys today?"

"Fine.", I say.

"Pretty good."

We chit chat and continue to walk to our lockers. Addie's locker and my locker are right next to each other. Cristina's locker is further down the hallway. Addie and I said goodbye to Cristina.

"So, what happened to your arm?", she asked.

"Oh, nothing, I just uh.. fell."

"Oh, okay."

Addison and I make small conversation when all of a sudden I feel someone push me into the lockers. Right where I broke my arm. I turn around and I see four girls.

Three of them are blond and the other one has dark hair. One of the girls with blond hair and the one with dark hair look sad. The other two look pissed off.

"What the fuck was that for?", I ask.

"Because. I just don't like you."

The one who said this was tall and her hair was in a ponytail she was wearing a burnt orange sweater and jeans.

"Why? I haven't even met you. I don't even know your name."

"It's Izzie. This is Lexie, this is Arizona, and this is Teddy. Is that better? You fucking moron."

I fall silent, unaware of what to say next.

I try to get out of the conversation and walk away, but Teddy stops me. "Where do you think you're going? This isn't over."

Then Addison speaks up. "Listen, I don't know who you bitches are or what you want, but leave me and my friend here alone. If you don't, what happens next won't be pretty."

"What are you going to do?" 

Before I know it, Addison has punched Izzie in the face! Like, hard. Her nose is bleeding. At this point, everyone in the hallways have stopped what they are doing and have turned their attention to this alteration happening.

"You slut." Izzie says to Addison.

I feel something snap in my mind. Make fun of me? Fine, but make fun of my friends? No. Before I know it I punch Izzie! Then Teddy! I decide not to hit Lexie and Arizona because they look like they were kind of forced to be with Izzie and Teddy.

"Nice, Grey.", Addison says, patting me on the back.

"Fuck both of you. I'll get y'all back for this. Fucking whores." Izzie and Teddy walk away. Lexie and Arizona stay. 

"I'm sorry you had to deal with them. They're just a bunch of bullies. They've been like this for forever.", Arizona says.

"You've known those two for forever? That must suck."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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