#1- The pack

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'What do we do now?' Grover whispered, obviously scared.

'I don't know, you are the one to talk to animals!' I whispered back.

'They are not animals, Nico! They are freaking monsters!'

In front of us, three pitch-black wolves were glaring and snarling.

'I killed their leader three months ago! What are they doing here? Do you have any silver? Fire?' I asked hopefully.

'I wish.'

The monsters were surrounding us, and the only thing I was able to think about was that Grover must be terrified.

'I demand to see your master.' I spoke, trying to sound confident.

The wolves fixed their obsidian eyes on me, then surprisingly took a step back. I glared at them, hoping to look terrifying.

'Why are they bowing?' Grover asked.

'What do you mean?'

'I don't know if this applies to monsters, but usually when wolves are lowering their heads they are showing respect. And from what I see, they are bowing to you.'

'Begone.' I demanded them.

In a flash, the wolves disappeared, leaving us very confused.


'So he just... Told them to leave and they left? How is that possible?' Percy asked.

'I swear. Like he was their master or something like that.'

'Grover, you know mythology is strange. Who knows what happens in their brains.'

'Nico, in what world do you live in where monsters bow to demigods?' Annabeth asked.

'I don't know guys, okay? I have absolutely no idea. If I had, I would have told you.' I told them.

'But at least did you get the weapons you were looking for?' said Annabeth.

'Yeah, we gave them to Chiron. Camp Jupiter wants an exchange of weapons. We need more gladii if we are going to start a roman training program. They also need more daggers for their Greek training programmes.' I replied.

'That sounds quite nice. What did you find?' Percy asked.

'About fourteen celestial bronze daggers, three dozen arrow points, and, beware, a frying pan.'

'Who in Hades uses a frying pan as a weapon?'

'Rapunzel.' Percy replied.

'Whatever guys, I'm tired. See you at dinner.' I said as I approached my cabin.

Ruins in a forest
And the same wolves as before, but now there were more. Silver wolves that shined in the moonlight and wolves as black as a nightmare, which I recognized as Lycaon's pack. And in the middle, there was a white wolf as big as a car. It was facing me with gold eyes, as if it was staring into my soul and extracting all my sins, then seriously considering I was worth eating. When it spoke, its voice rang into my ears like wind passing by.
'Nico di Angelo, child of the Underworld. Finally I get to see you.' Her voice was female-ish, and I immediately recognized she was Lupa, the wolf goddess.
'Your highness I-'
'So you have respect. That is a valuable trait. I will take that into serious consideration.'
'Why did you contact me, your highness?'
'You have a great destiny awaiting for you. This is only the beginning, child of Hades. As you can see, Lycaon's wolves are here. Since you killed their master, they are lost and confused.'
'I am confused. Lycaon was an enemy, right?
'Of course. But his wolves, as you can see, were only his toys, his minions. They were just obeying their master. Now they are seeking for help. They came here, and I took them under my wing. But they need a new leader. And they chose you. You-'


'Hazel what a wonderful way to wake up your dear brother.' I told her.

'You can't blame me. You sleep like a rock that was thrown in the ocean and then swollen up by earth. And you kept muttering incoherently.'

'Uh... Maybe. I don't know. Why did you wake me?' I lied.

'It's almost dinner. You know I'm not letting you skip another meals.'

I got up and hugged her, gently stroking her hair.

'You know I'm not skipping meals... That often. But thanks, sis.'

'Yesterday you skipped breakfast.' she pointed.

'Because I got up late. But I swear I ate in my cabin.' I told her, and it was true. Sometimes dream travelling makes you lose time sense, so you just wake up and realize you slept an entire day. Especially when you get stuck in the Hypnos Cabin. It's better than getting nightmares from Tartarus. I always avoid them. If I'd get them every time I try to sleep, I'd surely go insane after a few weeks. But sometimes I get them, when their memory is too strong, just because my life is awesome. Percy and Annabeth get nightmares too, but very rarely. With the help of the Hypnos kids, me and a few dreamcatchers made by Piper, we get through it. I hanged mine next to my bed. It doesn't really help, but it was a too nice gesture, so I couldn't help but thank Piper. Obviously dreamcatchers don't help avoiding dreams of Lupa. I decided not to tell anyone about it. It seemed just wrong.

'If you say so, then I trust you. But go get some food. I can tell you are hungry.' Hazel said.

'You know me too well.' I smiled.


A/N : Yayy, the first chappie! What do you think? If you like it, I will update as soon as I can.

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