#3-The day I left

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Nico's POV
'Did you pack everything?' Hazel asked.
'Yup. Everything.'
'Ambrosia? Nectar?'
'Unicorn draught? Drachmas? Denarii? Magical ointments?'
'Clean underwear?'
'Aren't you getting a bit personal?'
'But did you pack it?'
'Uuh... I guess. Yeah, I did.'
She chuckled.
'You are such an idiot. How can you forget? At least do you have a Walmart or something where you are going?'
'That I'm going to find out.'
'Don't forget your toothbrush.'
'Really? Hazel, I packed everything I needed and even more.'
'I hope so. Eat well, sleep early and look out for monster attacks. And wear clean clothes.'
'Yes ma'am.'
She wrapped me in a bear hug.
'I already miss you so much. Promise me you'll IM me as soon as you can?'
I kissed her forehead.
'Please be careful. I love you.'
'I love you too.'
I hugged her one more time, then left the Hades cabin. As I was walking, I glanced at the morning sun kissed hills, at the campers that were battling and laughing.
I guess I'm leaving all of this.
Because I couldn't shadowtravel, I had to take Jules-Albert. As I walked to Thalia's tree, I could make out his car waiting for me. And someone standing there, under the pine.
'Reyna?' I asked.
'That's me.'
There was a short awkward silence, like she was trying to form her thoughts into words.
'I heard you were leaving.'
'Yeah, I do.'
She wrapped me in a hug.
'Take care, idiot. If you get hurt, I'm going to kill you.'
'Don't worry. I'll be fine, I promise.'
'And Nico?'
'I'll keep an eye on Hazel and Frank for you.'
'Since when do you read minds?'
'I consider it a surviving skill.'
'You don't seem sad to say goodbye.'
'I am. I just don't want to make you feel guilty for leaving. It's your decision after all.'
'But you're going to miss me, right?' I teased her.
'Shut up. Of course I'll do.'
'Well, I guess this is goodbye.' she said.
It's amazing how your mood can drop so quickly in a few seconds.
'More like badbye'
'You were eager to leave before. What happened?'
'I didn't say I like leaving this place.'
'Badbye to you too, then.'
'Yeah... Take care, Rey.'
'I will. Don't worry about me.'
I smiled, then turned to the car and opened the door.
I faced her, but before I could ask her what was wrong, she pressed her lips on mine.
I'm not sure what happened then in my head. I guess all my thoughts were blocked. My face surely heated up. I get my first kiss, and it has to be right before I leave her? I started to regret my decision.
She pulled away, her cheeks red.
'Sorry. Just in case I won't see you a you again.'
I smiled.
'Don't worry, you will.'
I got into the car, feeling like crap. Gods, Nico. You are such an idiot.
Jules-Albert drove off, leaving camp Half-Blood behind.
'Mr. Di Angelo likes the praetor?' The zombie talked in my head.
'Shut up and drive.' I replied.


After a long time of driving, I finally got to Sonoma. Jules-Albert left me at the Wolf House, and drove off the moment I got down.
I wandered among the ruins, asking myself if it was the right place. Strangely, I could sense it was. It was dark outside, but my instincts were guiding me and my feet were walking by themselves, as if they knew where I should go.
That was it. That was the place from my dreams.
My vision adjusted on the forest. The wind was blowing on the trees, and the old leafs were crunching under my feet.
This was a test. If I had to prove myself, I had to find Lupa first.
I breathed in the scent of the forest, feeling my surroundings and calling my instincts. Where could the goddess be?
I could sense her. Her aura was powerful enough. I started running, heading into the forest, dodging trees, branches and rocks in the dark like I did it all my life. Adrenalin rushed into my veins,giving me energy and strength. I could even feel the werewolf claw marks on my arms in the wind.
I tried to sense Lupa's aura, then let it guide me through the forest. I didn't even sense the time passing by. I could have been running for minutes, hours or even days. Finally, I stopped, catching my breath.
'Very well, Nico di Angelo. Already calling for your instincts? You are even better than I originally thought.' Lupa said, her golden eyes piercing. Seeing her so close was even more frightening.
'I suppose this is a compliment.'
'Indeed it is. You are a good student. But not good enough to beat Lycaon.'
'I beat him last time. How hard could it be now?'
'Remember that he rises on the seventh full moon after he is killed. You faced him in the daylight, and you barely escaped. Imagine how it will be now, on full moon. You also had help back then. Now you will be on your on.'
'And assuming I kill him, what will happen next?'
'You will become the leader of his wolves. Hunt with them, lead them, be their friend. You can choose any forest you want to live with them. It is your choice if you want to go to camp half-blood or not. But both you and me know that is not the place that is meant for you.'
'You are right. And about my sword...?'
'We will take care of it. I talked with Vulcan. He is willing to modify it so you can kill Lycaon properly, once and for all. But beware. You have a hard path before you, son of Hades. But you will be the conquerer. Now, let's start your transition.'
'Transition?' I asked.
'Into a werewolf, of course. You can't be the mortal leader of the wolves.'
A/N: Boom!
Third chapter.
Watcha thinking?
Made a little Reynico action here.
Well, had to follow the title, right?
Okay then, guys. Hope you liked it. Bye!

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