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I've said this a while ago on my profile, but since no one's seen it I've decided to post it ere.

Well, hi peeps.Long time no see.I know most of you have been waiting for me to update those two Reynico fanfics that you've been waiting for.Truth is, I can't do this anymore.It's been a while since I started writing them. I remember shipping Reynico really much, and whenever I recall those times when I felt that shipper spark in my heart, I only get bad memories.In fact, these two characters that I still love to death have helped me get through darker moments in my life. I want to forget them. And whenever I think about them to try and continue writing them for the readers, I realize how much things have changed since then. To better. Things always get better, guys.But that is not the only reason.As you all know, Trials of Apollo came out and Solangelo is 100% canon. They've become my OTP.And as I've told you before, people grow and change. Back when I started writing Reynico, I was kinda homophobic. I have to blame it on the way I gew up, thinking that it was wrong. Such things are not really accepted in my country. Now I fully support LGBTQIA rights. And after that Orlando tragedy, I can't bring myself to ignore my mistakes any longer.I apologize if I have offended you. But I realized how ignorant I've been about everything and how wrong all of this is.I'm sorry guys, for disappointing you. But I have to correct what I've done.

So goodbye Wattpad, I've made wonderful memories with you guys and I've met amazing people with a great deal of talent. Keep writing and never give up. I'll miss you.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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