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His heartbeat nearly stopped when he saw the barely standing figure stands in front of his door. He stared at the torn-up spandex suit and bruised face of his twin. How he wished days like this won't come but there he is, Carter Ellis, the so-called perfect twin of his, the brilliant and calm, Reddo, the S-Class Superhero. The injured hero looked into his twin's irises and smiled as blood rolled down to his chin from his head. The clouds in that midnight managed to cover half of his seriously injured body from be seen by any neighbors nearby.

"Hey, Matty." He said casually. His voice were barely coming out. Carter loses his balance by minutes. He fell into Matthew's arms, as well as passing out before chuckling at himself. Matthew, who seemed very hurt by his twin brother's sudden appearance, carried him to his bedroom. He lets out grunts as he carry the weight on his back. His yellow stripes shirt now have blood all over it. Some of the blood stained the marble floor. Matthew sighed at the sight of it. 'Just how brutal was the villain?' He asked himself.

"...I better clean this up before Xavier-"
"Before I what, Matthew..?"

It seems like Matthew's soul have left his body there for a moment. He fell on the floor while slowly turning around to see the towering shadow-figure behind him looking down on him. 'Is this the end? I'll die like this?' Matthew lets out a squeak as Xavier hastily grabbed both of his shoulders to make sure he's standing straight to his face.

"Where all of this blood come from? Are you hurt again?!" Xavier asked as he raised his voice to an octave due to anger and worry. Xavier's hands that were holding his shoulders were blooded and have a piece of broken arrow stuck. Matthew looked astounded by the resolved yet very troubled human before him.

"No-I'm-I'm fine, Xaves, see?" Matthew put his hand on top of Xavier's hand. Matthew was still in shocked by the arrow and the bleeding on his stomach too.

He now noticed that the boy before him didn't get injuries whatsoever as the boy managed to stand by his own feet. He was scared if his identity were discovered and other starts to to target people that are close to him as a bait or something. Xavier sighed in relieve and slowly, his hand left Matthew's shoulder but their hands are still linked together. "Then, what or whose blood is this, Matt?" He asked calmly, pointing his bloodied index finger at the blood-stained floor. Matthew evaded his eyes and began to mutter some incoherent stuffs.

"Its-Uhh,, That's..I..Uhh,,,"
"Is there anything you need to explain, Ellis?" Xavier lets go of his hand and crossed his hand to his chest. He noticed the blood trails into Matthew's bedroom. Matthew once again felt like his life in on the line if he tells him about it. Matthew sighs to himself. "You won't understand it..." He looks to his side as if pitying him.

Xavier seemed have grown an irked mark on his head. "Just--tell me!" He insisted.

"It's my twin!--Okay?!" At last, it spilled out from his mouth. "He can't go back to his house like that, he'll ne spotted by the nearby neighbors!"

"Why can't he be seen by other neighbors?!" He raised his voice. It's not as if he actually mind him bring home a relative but not exactly this way. "They could at least help him to get to the hospital," he lower back his voice.

"I-he, uh-" Matthew stuttered. "Let's talk about this later, let him stay--please Xaves," he added the last bit when Xavier evaded his eye. He knows he can persuade Xavier by looking into his puppy eyes that will make him feel guilty. Xavier sigh. He, himself need to recover from all this injury.


He was about to head back to his room before Matthew held his lightly injured arm. "Let's fix you right up after I tend my brother...I'll be at your room after," Matthew said, with guilt shine in his eyes. Xavier looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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