Day 2

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     I quickly opened up Minecraft the next day and logged on the server. As I left my temporary cave house I went straight to work and took down the misplaced house. Getting a bit distracted by a few certain animals, I readied my bones in my hotbar and quickly tamed the wolves that I spotted nearby. Taking some flowers from my chest and crafting it into dye I quickly dyed a few of their collars to differentiate them.

     After the little distraction, I quickly continued my work in progress house; taking down the remains before starting over. I wasn't able to finish it though as I did not have any dark oak wood, so I had to go on a journey. Before doing so I checked the Discord server to see if anyone had marked any coordinates for a dark oak forest, but there were none. I ended up asking in the general chat, but no one had an exact location for it, so I had to search it on my own.

     Grabbing my essentials I prepared for a journey to find one. I ventured deeper into the spruce forest and came across a second village. All the chests were cleared out already, but all the work items were still there in which I took some. The farms was also a nice source for food, and my travel had to put on pause when I spotted some cats. Luckily there was a river nearby where I caught some fish by hand and quickly tamed the cats.

     I continued on with the journey to another oak forest, but shortly turned around in fear of getting lost and potentially dying. And upon returning home, I dyed the cat's collars and stored the items I found in my chests.

     Seeing as I did not find a dark oak forest, my house would have to remain without a roof as I decided to finally check out the other's builds. There were houses across the lake beside my home, and I was happy that I wasn't exactly completely alone.

     However, night fall had arrived when I got back home a few low lived zombies decided to target me. I ended up killing them, but it sadly did take a life of one of my wolves as I forgot to let it sit down. I quickly went to sleep, happy that the other player that was on the server did so too. The same player, Cotton, came to my house and offered to build a grave for my lost wolf, and I accepted as to not come off as mean.

     As the next night approached a creeper snuck up on me as I was storing items in a chest, and ended up killing both me, and my precious cat. Cotton ended up building a grave for the kitty as well. Angered at myself for already losing two pets, decided to remain inside during night times and to keep my pets in doors too. I had fed my remaining wolves to have a pup and ended up taming another as well and quickly got a few extra wolves.

     I decided to keep two wolves outside, Red and Pink. I temporarily named my wolves by the color of their collars as to net get too overwhelmed. I didn't make much progress on anything, but it was getting rather late and so I logged off for the day.

GhostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora