Chapter Five: Saturn

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There was a rare occurrence that happens sometimes in Space where a Planet will tilt off its axis and disrupt the order of things in the galaxy forever. Even though it hasn't happened yet, it doesn't make it not possible. You had always thought about that phenomenon and how you never quite understood how so many scientists just blindly believed in that possibility with no proof. It wasn't until that dance with Spencer that you believed in it. If you were the galaxy, that dance was the tilt in your axis.

Nothing could quite be the same again.

It seemed that Spencer himself was the disruptor.

Since that day, everything between the two of you was different. It was simpler. It was too easy to have conversations, to laugh at each other's jokes, to spit inane useless facts at each other. But it also became too easy to melt at Spencer's bright smile, too easy to stare at his hands as he helped you with your math sometimes, too easy to flush whenever he paid you a compliment on your work.

Too easy to fall in love with him.

You didn't want to think about that but you couldn't help it. At first, you wanted to chalk it up to you not knowing how to differentiate your feelings. Maybe you just thought you were in love with him because he was the first guy to be nice to you since Jonathan but as the days went on you knew that to not be the case. None of this felt like how you were with Jonathan. With Spencer, it just felt easy. Just felt right.

It was the weekend so you had off work. Before you would always end up going into work anyway and getting some extra logs in but now you liked staying in and hanging out with Spencer. Right now the two of you were walking in the plaza near your home, fresh cups of coffee in hand. Spencer, at first, did not want to be out but after some convincing (which was just you threatening to leave without him, which he did not like) he was all for joining you out. The two of you stopped in a bookstore and you made a beeline for the astrology section. You hear Spencer scoff when you pick up a book to look through it. You raise an eyebrow at him.

"What?" You say.

"Astrology, really? Aren't you a scientist?"

"Yea, an astronomer. I love Space, so while Astrology isn't a proven science. It's fun to think the stars have a say in what kinda person you are." You shrug. "When's your birthday?"

"October 28th."

"Of course you're a Scorpio."

"That doesn't mean anything to me. Astrology isn't real."

"You must be real fun at parties." You roll your eyes.

"Well, what's your sign?"

"I'm a Cancer. Did you know that water signs are the most compatible? Especially Scorpios and Cancers."

Spencer laughs out loud at that. You turn looking him in the eye. "What's funny?" you say.

"That itself doesn't tell you that astrology is bullshit?" He laughs. You narrow your eyes at him. "I mean, us, compatible? It's funny."

You try. You try so very hard not to look hurt by his words, you know Spencer's a profiler and will see right through it. And he does by the sympathetic look he gives you.

"You're right, maybe it is bullshit." You say, putting the book down instantly. "Let's go home."

You and Spencer don't talk the whole walk home, in fact you don't talk when you get there. You're about to just retreat to your room when you feel a hand circle your wrist.

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