Chapter Three

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Dream coughed weakly, holding a gloved hand to his mouth. His eyes widened when his fingers came away dripping with yellow magic, specks of dust dissolving in the ichor.

The Guardian of Positivity was trembling on the couch in the Doodle Sphere, having collapsed there in a bout of sudden weakness about a minute ago. His hands twitched, feeling a growing numbness spreading from his fingertips.

"I don't... what's happening...?" Dream choked on another wet cough, teeth stained yellow-gold from the flecks of magic he spat up. His eyelights were unfocused, hazy, sockets watering in pain. Tremors shook his body, cold and hot at the same time, waves of ice and searing iron clawing at his bones.

His Soulbeat stuttered, and the pulsing that came from between his fourth and fifth ribs weakened considerably, struggling to move the magic throughout Dream's body.

His eyelights began to slowly sputter out, vision blurring at the edges, but not weak enough to miss the portal that opened in the middle of the living room right in front of him. A figure leaped through, panic tangible in the air as the new skeleton dragged a large paintbrush through the portal as well, staring in horror at Dream's mostly limp body.

A jolt of recognition that really shouldn't have taken that long to appear, what was going on, why was everything so fuzzy, like wading through cotton in his skull finally hit the Guardian of Positivity.

"...Ink...? What's going on... what's happening to me?"

The God of Creativity only responded with a heart-wrenching sob, rushing to his side to drop to his knees.

"It's my fault," he cried, clutching the others' clothes and staring in horror at his crumbling fingertips why were they crumbling, was that bad? It looked just like sugar was falling from his fingers. Was he made of sugar?, "It's all my fault, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry-"

Dream felt himself frown at the other's words, trying to pat Ink's skull with his fingers, accidentally brushing more dust onto the other's bones. "We can fix... whatever it is...? It's okay, you don't... haveta cry?"

Ink's response was only a heart-wrenching wail, repeating his last frantic words with a hopeless tint that hurt Dream's chest for some reason.

"I'm so sorry-!!"

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