Chapter 4: The party

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"So you have never been to a party around here" seth says
"I used to live here. I've been to plenty of party's."
"Then why are you wearing that."
"I thought this was one of the big barn parties we use to have in high school.”
Then instantly i remember seth we went to high school together he dated my best friend jena but they broke up when she decided to get out of town to go be a pageant queen well now she's in jail why you ask well let's just say she doesn’t accept runner up.
“Hey elizabeth you good you like zoned out there for a second we were about to call the doctor.” says seth
“Yeah i'm fine just thinking about something.” I say  
“Ok well do you want a drink?”
“Sure do you have white claws.”
“No this is not some city bar, here try this.”
Then Seth hands me a miller light.
I open the can it makes a sizzle  sound my amedit insticked is to chug it.
“ that really takes me back.” i say
“Yeah i bet miss shotgun queen.” says seth
Shotgun queen was my nickname in high school. I could take down a beer in 20 seconds.
“Oh so you do remember.” i say
“How could I forget, oh and I kept something.” says seth
He hands me a crown made out of old beer cans. It was my old can crown.
“Hey let's see if i'm still the reigning champion.” i say
We were there all night no one beat me
“Well I guess this crown remains mine.” i say
“Hey guys this has been fun but i think it is time for me and elise to head back.”
"OH boo Seth can't we stay longer." I say very drunken

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