Chapter 5: A vast memory

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I don't remember much after I said that to seth just that he drank a couple more and we stayed the night at his friend's.
The next morning I woke up in his friend's guest room I was facing the wall just starring at it till I realized I had nothing on under the sheets. I thought maybe I stripped in my sleep that can happen right no need to over react. Then I heard a grown and someone roll they grabbed me and cuddled me it didn't bother me that much but I was in a strangers bed with a guy I turn to look to see who i had ended up with would it be one of the Graham Brothers or maybe Ethan I guy I have ended up with once before in high school but I turned and saw seth my best friends ex what the fuck was I doing. I instantly panicked and started collecting my clothes I was missing something what was I missing my bra I looked out the window it was down by the pool so were my pants
I had to walk down stairs in a t-shirt and underwear still trying to figure out what transpired for me to have my shirt upstairs but not my bra. How did I get here what happened. Did I sleep with seth maybe not maybe we just woke up together. I need to get home.

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