chapter 21

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Stampys p.o.v

I am super excited because in a few hours we will be leaving to go to LA on a plane. Sqaishey told me she was a little scared of flights so I told her I would snuggle up with her on the plane. She seemed a little relieved after I told her that. We were packing together in the same room and we talked a little while then came downstairs with out suitcases and put them by the door for when we would be leaving. So we had grilled cheese for lunch and left with the mac for the airport they were coming to. We went through security with only one or two people wanting autographs we sat at the gate and waited for our plane to be called. I pulled out my phone and played some pe with sqaishey and we joined someone's world and played with them. Our plane was called and we got on sqaishey was biting her nails like crazy so I rubbed her back because it would be a long flight. She fell asleep on , y shoulder about an hour later and I soon feel asleep myself. I woke up when the dinner cart was coming around and I woke sqaishey "wake up honey buns din din is here" I told sqaishey. We had some dinner and fell asleep again only to find a little later that we were landing. We got off the plan and called a taxi we left the airport and went to our hotel me and sqaishey got a room together which made me very happy. I was very happy to be here with sqaishey for two weeks  but when we go back to England she will have to leave right away to get back home. We were really jet lagged so we missed dinner even though we had it already. I fell on the bed and sqaishey landed right next to me we soon fell asleep.


Hope yall liked this chapter


True love (stampy and sqaishey)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora