chapter 26

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Sqaisheys p.o.v

I can't believe that stampy proposed to me. We need to start planning for the wedding I guess first we will invite everyone but how many people well of course family and all of the mac. Stampy woke up and came over to me and pulled me into a nice tight hug. I smiled and I didn't want to let go suddenly I got a text from kaitlyn saying "where are you arnt you supposed to be home now!?" I texted back "yes but I am in LA with stampy and I am now engaged" she texted "omg omg omg you are in LA with stampy and you are gonna marry him!?" "Yes" I texted and with that I put my phone down. We went to wake up the other mac but in a funny way we are gonna prank call. First is squid "hello this is president Obama and you need to come to the white house now to come and retrieve some lots pants!" Stampy said "stampy!!" Is all I heard screamed into the phone. We laughed and next was amy , rosie, and Lee I wanted to do this one. "Hola this is a little house cleaning lady you need your house cleaned call me I'm your girl" I almost burst out laughing "you two" is what I heard over lots of giggles. Last but not least was finnball stampy did this one "this is your brother yo what you doin right now bro?" Stampy asked him "you guys really sometimes make me mad" and with that he hung up on us. We were laughing like crazy we came downstairs with everyone else they looked really annoyed at us. We went for our last signing and we would be leaving tomorrow morning for England I am really upset but happy to show everyone that stampy and I were getting married.


Hope yall liked it tell me what your favorite youtuber is in the comments and I will try to use them in the last few chaps also let me know I am writing another fanfiction who should it be on?


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