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Thinking of what just hae in- oppa
Just said , I glance at my surroundings.
I'm a lil bit surprised , it's embarrassing to say this but he's right .

They really are staring at me
while I'm walking.

How naive I can be not knowing of the thousands of eyes looking at me everyday.
This makes me uncomfortable now .
It's better if I didn't know I could have been acting normal not a blushing mess.

I didn't know being a top student
And being this beautiful is a big deal.
I mean im beautiful I know that ,
It's kinda understandable .

I sighed,

Heading to the field with my book and coffee milk I sat down at the old tree near the soccer area. Making myself comfortable I breathed deeply , analyzing my surroundings taking note of every single detail of the scenery Infront of me.

The sun setting down creating a shade of orange , pink , purple and blue .
Birds chirping as the wind touched my skin.
I smiled , it's peaceful .

I leaned my back over the tree starting to read the book I brought it tells how people fall in love with those who appear beautiful to them . And it might be sad to admit but I'm like that with seokjin , he's beautiful that's why I fell inlove with him but you know  what's more beautiful ? His personality.

Do you know how sweet he is? How gentleman he is? How hes a good listener ? How brave and wise he is? How he can joke around but be serious when it's needed?
Blessed with a good looks and a good heart
A gem , a precious gem named Kim seokjin.

A Midsummer Night's Dream
By William Shakespeare

Society now is like that , but now people consider looks more than anything .
If your beautiful your relevant.
If your beautiful your favored.

Some People don't mind the personality , as long as your beautiful everything is okay.
And I hate that .

The course of true love
never did run smooth

An infamous quote in
midsummer night's dream.

It shows that falling for someone will never be as idyllic as it can initially seem.
the idea that there will always be problems in a romantic relationship.

It takes time to develop a romantic relationship , it's a rollercoaster ride .
From the moment you meet .

True love

You don't know who is it , you might pass at each other at the hallway , both of you might be enemies somewhere , best friends , or strangers. Or  it's the one you have  one-sided love with...

Closing my book as I closed my eyes I took a deep breath , Feeling myself for a minute.

" Hi "

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