The Incident

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Many lands have existed, but none have even come close to being as successful as Earth. This planet had a ruler named Alk-Davies Ultimate. He had an ice cream empire called The Scoop. I am this person, but I'm not telling my story. This is a story about someone else. Millions and millions of tiny particles plunder around the air, as we breathe in and exhale out. These particles then get breathed in by other civilians. One child had to be isolated in a quarantine bubble because he was born in a nuclear waste facility. This child wasn't supposed to survive, but the mother and father prayed to Moonie Moo to help him survive. This child had to stay in the bubble, so he wouldn't breathe in the particles. But one day, the day after the day that Lavalantula happened, a huge hot rock fell straight through the sky and into the bubble. The smell of plastic hit Tamo's nostrils, but quickly decipated, as his lungs filled with particles and he faints. Tamo lays there, eyes wide open, exposed to the unfiltered air. His parents make their way to his room. They hunch over his body. They listen to his breathing and heart rate. Everything is slowing down. Tamo's mom starts to pray to Moonie Moo, "Great one above. I ask for you to bring my son back. Give all of your power and save him once again." About an hour passes, and Moonie Moo brings him back. The particles bound with Tamo's Nuclear cells and he awoke with energy. His skin was soft like baby skin, but tough like nails. He could hear the smallest of sounds and see the tiniest of organisms. He could smell the faintest smells. Things took an unprecedented turn, when he touched a piece of paper, as he tried to stand up. This paper flung across the room and attached itself to the file cabinet. It made no sense. His mom tried to pull it. She said, "It's almost connected like magnets to the file cabinet. We need to study this and find out what's wrong with the paper." Tamo's parents are scientists. They study various metals, rocks, and energies.
The Next Day: Tamo was laying in his bed. He still felt like he was on Cloud 9. His parents studied the paper and came to the conclusion that it gained a magnetic field. Was it always magnetic or did Moonie Moo give the boy powers? They ran tests on various objects that Tamo touched. Nine out of the ten objects that he touched was magnetized. They came to the conclusion that he has to focus to control his ability. They actually tried enrolling him in The Super Gang Academy, but the application never made it to my desk. Someone did receive the application though. Professor Xavier was going through this email and found the application for Tamo.
To be continued...

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