The First Day

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It was the first day for Tamo at The Xavier Institute. He was in the car kicking his legs around and screaming with delight. This school specializes in training mutants to use their powers for the good of all. The car comes to a stop in front of a Mansion. Tamo gets out of the Limousine and starts running toward Charles. He stops five feet from the wheelchaired man. Charles says, "Welcome to your home for the next 730 days. We are proud to have a Magnetizer. We used to have someone that could move magnets with his mind, but I hear that u can make any object have the properties of magnetism. That's a very cool and interesting power." He smiles with a huge delight. Tamo says, "My powers started about a few weeks ago. I think radiation activated them from the air. I was born in a nuclear waste facility and my mom died. She was kidnapped by a madman named The Joker. He raped her and forced her to live there up until the birth. I was supposed to die, but Moonie Moo brought me back." Charles leads Tamo into the school. He passes by a girl named Gertrude. This girl had the gift to make anything edible and make it taste good. And then Mr.Xavier led Tamo into his room. His bunkmate was named Dave Aden. This man had the abilities to make plants alive. We all know his future story from Plants Versus Zombies. Dave said, "Was, good man? My name is Dave and I'm a stoner." He laughed and playfully punched Tamo. Tamo was thinking, 'Oh, great. I have to share a room with this guy." With the class schedule in hand, Tamo goes to the first classroom. Storm was the teacher. She is teaching a class about doing the right thing no matter how much it hurts. The class lasted for about 45 minutes. Tamo was walking down the hall to his second class, when Charles Xavier stopped him and brought Tamo to the X-Men Headquarters. Charles and Tamo were sitting down at a table talking. Charles said, "I've brought you down here to help one of my oldest friends. He has a medical condition that I believe your powers can reduce. His body has a different magnetism than ours. So his body gives off a deadly radiation. We want you to do the opposite of making something magnetized and demagnetize his cells. His name is Alk-Davies Ultimate.
To be continued...

Magnet Men: The MagnetizerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora