Chapter 8

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

「Author's POV」

The leaves are dancing, gently swaying in the wind. A bed of green leaves covers the ground, glowing in the sunlight. It is a peaceful time of year; a little chilly, but not enough to prevent the joy people takes in the season.

The train station is silent as usual, the noise absent with the crowds. The remaining passengers stand with newspapers in hand, while some are busy checking their phones. A family is quietly chatting with one another. All are in their own personal worlds, waiting for the next train to come.

Not long after that the rumbling noise can be heard from afar, the light on the platform changing from green to red. The passengers quickly gather their belonging as the sound gets closer and louder. They stand up and approach the platform, waiting.

The train made a low, thunderous noise if you were a mile away, but up close you could hear the rhythm of each car as it passed over the tracks and the squeakiness of its many rivets. When the train comes to view, weakened its speed as the transport soon come to a stop when it's reached the train station. A few seconds later, the doors opened.

The other passengers on the train chatted incessantly. Sometimes one could make out a word here or there, but often one person's words would be drowned out by another's, and most of the time one can't make out much at all of what another person might be saying. The result was an ongoing murmur, resembling very much the static one gets on the radio when out of range. More than once one could pass by some people that spoke in a foreign tongue. If one listens closely, one might be able to make out a pattern, but that rarely happens.

Some of the passengers were the three teenagers, making their way through the crowd and towards the entrance of the train station. Once, they got out, what they saw ahead of them was a line of old houses, some were little shops and other were restaurants.

From a distance, they could see people from various of ages from children to elderly people, seemingly enjoying their days of walking around the district.

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