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"Cheryl there you are." I looked up from my book as I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello Veronica." I said quietly, looking back down at my book.

"I tried texted you. Why'd you never answer my messages?" Veronica frowned a bit, sitting down on her bed.

"My phone is on the charger what's up?" I looked away from my page, keeping my index finger over the line I was reading.

"Now I know you don't like partying but there's a club that I heard about earlier today." Veronica gave me a smile, flashing her white teeth.

"No partying you remember what happened last time we went partying don't you?" I sighed thinking about all the rumors that were floating about.

"Please Cheryl we're I'll be going with a group of friends. Besides it's across town no one will be there that we know but us." Veronica begged me as I let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine but you're doing my anatomy homework for biology class, since you're studying to be a surgeon it should be easy for you." I smirked, expected the raven haired girl to say no to my offer.

"Deal!" Veronica said happily, which caught me by surprise. "This is going to be so much fun."

Great. I thought to myself. I surely thought she'd say no to that one. After all I had never seen her do homework since we had first met.

"What are you wearing?" Veronica stifled a laugh as I stepped out of the bathroom.

"This is my going out dress." I crossed my arms as I looked down at what I was wearing.

"You look like you're going to church." Veronica shook her head as she went over to our shared closet, rummaging through her side.

"What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes sitting on my bed.

"Here it is." Veronica stood up, holding a red dress. There were small sequins all over it and it looked like it'd be skin tight.

"I am not wearing that." I furrowed my eyebrows at the dress. Not only did I not have the confidence in wearing an outfit that flashy but I highly doubted my body shape was made for a dress so tight.

"Sorry mija but I refuse to be seen with a nun." Veronica shrugged throwing the dress at me.

"I'm not a nun." I grumbled picking up the dress.

"Go put it on." Veronica pointed her finger at the bathroom door.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes going to the bathroom to put it on.

"Next is makeup." Veronica smiled as I walked past her.

"I've never worn makeup." I looked up at Veronica as she took out her makeup box. I was wearing the dress, which I hated to admit but it looked good on me.

"You'll look great I promise." Veronica smiled as she opened up an eye shadow case.

As Veronica put random liquids and powders on my skin I sat there thinking. I must've gotten lost in my thoughts because when I came back into reality Veronica was waving a mirror in my face.

"How does it look?" Veronica smiled as I looked at my reflection.

"This is me?" I said surprised as I stated at the person in the mirror. I hadn't recognized the red head staring back.

"You've never really worn makeup before?" Veronica asked surprised as she took the mirror back, putting her makeup away.

"I grew up on a farm where we rarely ever wore nice things because they'd get dirty fast. Not to mention most money my mom earners went to my fathers medical bills after her started to get sick." I shrugged as I opened up to the raven haired girl.

sunflower ~ choni auWhere stories live. Discover now