17- Who am I?

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I am sworn to serve

my master,

even though he is a child.

After all,

he is the one who forged a contract with me

to save himself

from all the people who caused him pain.

I am his pawn,

just like everybody else,

but I am a special pawn,

for I can move across the board in one move.


My master may be young,

but he is cunning,

easily manipulating the pieces in his game.

He has managed to gain the love and respect

if all the servants in his household.

Except me of course.

I respect him

but I cannot love him,

for I am only after his delectable soul.


I follow the orders I am given

like a sweet little puppy,

even though I hate dogs with a passion.

Especially when there are cats

with their sleek coats,

soft paws,

and beautiful claws...

I could go on,

but my Lord is calling for me,

so I must go.

After all...

What kind of butler would I be if I could not complete such a

simple task?

Who am I?

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