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Silver in the speaker: our first waiter is six and mono

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Silver in the speaker: our first waiter is six and mono.

Six: wait me?

Mono: oh thats nice *blush*

Six: *a little scared*

Mono: *holds sixs hand* 

Six: *blush*

Mono: Cmon six its not that bad its just a fusion.

Six: hmph your right. Lets go.

*they both went to the fusion room, Everything in the room was White-grayish*

Darky: ok, here are the steps:

Step 1. you guys need to dance. think of a song that you both know.

Step 2. Put your both hands together. if your ready

Step 3: fUsE 

Darky: ok

Mono: ok... so six, what song

Six: prison toys?

Mono: sure

Darky: *Plays prison toys*

Mono and Six:  *Starts dancing* *Well kinda dancing together*

Six: im not sure about this mono, what if we fail.

Mono: Dont worry six, all you have to do is just follow my steps.

Six: ehh.. ok *Follows mono's steps*

Mono: hey youre doing it very well

Six: wait really, oh, i am, o my god im dancing 

*countinues dancing*


Mono: gothcha

Six: *blush* thanks mono

Mono: no problem *countinues dancing*

Mono: ok now the last step *Holds sixs hands*

Mono: Are we ready

Mono: Are we ready

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Mono: uuhhhghh.... did we


Six: i feel... weird

Mono and six: Sees their 4 hands

Mono: oh my god ... i think ... i think


Monix: And look i can make purple fire

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Monix: And look i can make purple fire.

Seven: o h w o w thats an amazing fusion.

Darky: IKR (i know right?)

Seven: what?

Darky: never mind.

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