"Sensei" - Kakashi Hatake ⭕️

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!PSA! Slight age gap...your 19 and Kakashi's 25 but let's pretend he already mastered his abilities ;) !

2:20 pm


"Ms. Y/n , I'm going to need to see you after class." Kakashi says in a stern tone after the bell rang for us to go home. Everyone packed up and left in under one minute , leaving me and my sensei . He leaves for a while leaving me and my phone .

2:35 pm

He comes back finally , but he closed and locked the door , then made his way to me .

"Sup Sensei" I say putting my backpack on his desk , leaning my butt against it .

"Well , you were the only one to get a 100 on your last exam . So I thought to bring a surprise for you ." He says walking behind his desk to grab whatever it was.

"Oh cool." I say scrolling thru Instagram , not paying him any mind .

"Here" he hands me a box and an envelope.

Me being me , I opened the envelope first . It read me getting accepted into my dream school .


"You will never be great , you'll always be last"
"You disgust me"
"Fix your attitude"
"No wonder ____ left you"
"You look like your father"

I was never praised by my mother . My father died a few years after I was born . My mother let me feel her rage every second of the day after it . She ADORED my older brother tho , mainly because he was a suck up but I'll be damned. I slept where I wanted with who I wanted out of spite , but I was never a trouble maker , just bluntly honest and smart as fuck to back it up . I started smoking (🍃) heavily in middle school and it has been the only thing keeping me sane since . My brother stays with our mother , caring for her now bc she's on her deathbed . I chose not to see her .
*end of flasback*

She died two years ago , and my brother moved . I'm practically alone . 18 , a small apartment , a decent car , hard working , no lover , but my dog is the highlight of my life ! Not doing too shabby if you ask me .

Tears threatened to fall as I opened the box . It's my cap and gown with some matching heels . I couldn't stop my tears this time , they freely fell as Kakaski noticed , getting up immediately .

"Y/n , I hope you're proud of yourself . Your father would have been ecstatic ." He says bringing me in for a hug as I continued to sob .
"Thank you Sensei...your the best" I say pulling away and wiping my eyes with my dress sleeves .

"You deserve it , you worked hard this year and it's sad you don't have anyone to celebrate with-"

"Ouch" I cut him off , holding my heart like I'm hurt.
"-you should know better than to interrupt me y/n" he says staring into my soul and sighing. "But as I was saying, your alone and it shouldn't be that way. I know you work hard for what you have , so I thought I'd take some weight off of your shoulders" he says with a small smile , leaning on the desk behind him and crossing his arms , like normal .

"Thank you so much , this is why I confide in you for everything , your like an angel." I say , I adore this man and everything he does. I've never liked people my age anyways...

"Anytime y/n , see you Monday" he says getting up and getting his stuff together .

"Actually Kakashi , why are you so nice to me ?" I say turning towards him and trying to get under his skin .

Anime x black readers😛Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora