Chapter 12: Dreams

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Dumbledore was speaking to the other Percy, Percy Weasley. I couldn't make out what they were saying but Percy was listening intently. Dumbledore then swished his wand once and all the table flew against the walls and stood themselves up. Then, with another swish, the floor was covered in sleeping bags.

Dumbledore then walked to the big hall doors and closed them. Immediately the hall erupted into chatter as the Gryffindors told everyone they could what happened. Percy yelled for everyone to get in their sleeping bags.

After everyone calmed down people chose sleeping bags. Nobody was staying with their houses. Evident by Lou and Piper choosing bags beside mine. After a few minutes the ceiling turned into a beautiful night sky.

I tossed and turned for about a half an hour before falling asleep. I drifted into my dreams as I fell asleep. Many different dreams raced by until one caught my attention.

I followed a pale man with disheveled black hair reach just above his shoulders. He had startling black eyes and was wearing a prisoner jumpsuit of black and white stripes. His facial hair hung on his mouth and chin like it hadn't been groomed for a month. He limped slightly up one of the Hogwarts starcases.

He eventually approached a painting, much like the Slytherin door. This one had a rather large lady on it. She wore a pink hat that did not match her blue dress. She was inspecting a glass wine cup as the man approached.

"Let me in Fat Lady." The man growled at her.

"Shouldn't you be in the Great Hall with the rest of the Gryffindors, and anyway, you need the passwo-" she turned to him and dropped the glass. Shattering it at her feet, "It's you!"

"Let me in!" He growled at her, getting louder.

"You need to the password! And anyway, you're lucky I can't get the teachers otherwise they'd already be here!" The Fat Lady said defiantly.

"You don't understand! He's here! I can feel it! Let me in, please Fat Lady!" Sirius Black demanded.

"I shall not!" She stated.

In a quick moment and a blur of black, Sirius Black tore up the painting she was in, leaving three long slashes in the portrait. She ran off through the portraits around her screaming. Sirius Black ran off down the corridors growling like an animal. I followed him for a moment until he stiffened. Suddenly, he turned and seemingly looked at me.

"Sally?" He whispered as he seemed to look through me.

I sat up in my sleeping my bag, my body ran cold as I recalled my dream. I was pulled back to reality by Professor Snape grabbing my shoulder. I looked around and Piper was sitting up in her sleeping bag looking at me. I couldn't formulate any words, I was panicking. Snape grabbed the top of my head and made me look at him.

"Mr. Jackson, what is wrong?" He asked me, looking into my eyes.

"I-I had a dream. It-it... I saw him. I saw Sirius Black, in my dream. I saw him at the Fat Lady." I told him, still panicing.

Snape looked over his shoulder to Dumbledore, who looked at me quizzically. Dumbledore stepping forward, "A nightmare Mr. Jackson?" Dumbledore asked me.

"No, no... he, it was then. When he was at the Fat Lady. I saw it, in my dream. He attacked the painting he was looking for someone." I explained to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore pondered this for a moment. He turned to Snape, "If that is true he may be a seer. Like Miss Trelawney."

"The chances of that are..." Snape replied.

"Slim. Yes, I know." Dumbledore said, he approached me.

"He's had dreams like that before Professor." Piper blurted out.

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