chapter 1

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Chapter 1

" free at last" I yelled as I carried the last box out to my car. Caroline closed the car door and sighed. Elena looked like she was about to cry, Elena had gotten her emotions back before the graduation and Jeremy was somehow alive again. Jeremy and Elena hugged me, none of us wanting to let go but we had too." Do you have to go, Molly, we're finally a family again" she asked.

" I know but, this is my choice, I've waited to leave this town for years, I don't want to be stuck here forever, I'll call when ever I can, I promise" I whispered. She started crying" its just we've been together our whole lives, we've never had to say goodbye"Matt was in tears, I smiled" what happened to the strong jock stereotype "

" it faded away along time ago" he told me and I smiled. I looked at Damon who had his arms crossed and was leaning against his car, smiling. I walked over to him and smiled. Him and Elena had made it official so as the twin sister it was my job to be the mature one. I smacked him on the head and he glared at me." Funny how we started out hating each other, huh" he nodded then did something that shocked me. He hugged me" I'll keep them safe, Molly"

" good because if you don't, I'll come back to Mystic falls and personally rip out your heart" I threatened and he smirked." It was nice knowing you, Witch" I nodded before opening the door of my car. Then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Jenna, Alaric, John, Isabelle, my dad, my adoptive parents, everyone we had lost, even the dead mikaelsons siblings, Kol and Finn, They were all there to say goodbye, even if some would follow behind me.

A tear fell down my cheek as I climbed in the car and started it. I drove through town, I saw the sheriff and she smiled waving goodbye, Bonnie's dad right next to her. I stopped at the grave yard and got out, there was one more person I needed to talk to. He was digging a fresh grave but when he saw me, he put down the shovel and hugged me.

" can you do something for me sal" I asked and he nodded, picking his shovel up and following me over to my gravestone." Make sure its kept here, I don't want it removed" he nodded

" sure thing, Molly" I smiled before getting back in my car, I drove across, wickery bridge and stopped at town sign. I took a deep breath before driving past it. Ari, Jillian and Xella appeared in the car, all smiling." Say goodbye girls, because we are never coming back, unless we have to" i pulled out my phone and called Klaus.

Hello, Sweetheart

I'm on my way, Klaus

Alright, I'll be waiting

I hung up and a couple hours later I was driving through New Orleans." It really is amazing here" Ari said and I nodded. I parked and waited for Klaus, playing Tetris on my phone. I heard a knock on my window and looked up expecting to Klaus only to Marcel. I rolled my eyes and rolled down the window.

" what do you want, Marcel" I asked.

" just to welcome you to New Orleans" he told me smiling and I nodded. Klaus appeared and I got out. He smiled, hugging me, after Marcel walked away." Welcome Home, Little witch, I've missed you. Did your sister cause you any trouble while packing"

" no, but there were a lot of tears"

" well, let me show you where you'll be staying" we got in the car and he drove.

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