Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I angrily stood painting, glaring the canvas. When I finished a picture of Klaus on fire was revealed. Elijah came into the room frowning when he saw the picture." Milisa, you realize that painting it will not make it come true"

" I know, but it's a substitute to actually doing it" I put down the brush and crossed my arms." He snapped my neck Elijah, I have a reason to be angry". I sat on the couch by the fireplace and Elijah sighed" well you did refuse to help him kill Rebekah" he pointed out.

I didn't answer and he left me to my thoughts. Walking over, I grabbed the picture and threw it into the fireplace. Later that night, I sat going through a bunch of dresses before settling on a one shouldered sparkly black dress that went down to my feet. I walked down stairs to see the party in full swing. As I reached the last step Klaus was suddenly there holding out his hand, I ignored him and disappeared into the crowd, only to get knocked out of the way as Diego threw a blonde werewolf into a wall. I glared up at the two of them as they fought, I finally snapped, I had had enough of people fighting. I raised my hand and they were thrown apart. Elijah grabbed the werewolf and another werewolf heart held a stake to Diego's heart, I got up and stormed back upstairs, not wanting to be part of this.

I changed out of my dress and picked up my violin. I closed my eyes and started playing, after awhile I heard someone coming and turned to see Elijah, in his hand was a piece of paper." Milisa, you are a part of this as much everyone else, but you are the only one of your kind"

" let me guess, you want me to sign it"

" actually yes, you hold something that I am trying to achieve" he told me laying the paper in front of me" unity between the wolves, witches and vampires"  he set a bottle down and I frowned.

" but I'm not the only one of my kind, the baby, she's-"

" currently walking around I mean" he smiled and I sighed before picking up the pen, and dipping it in the blood. Very carefully I wrote Milisa Titanel and Elijah took the paper away but stopped in the doorway." I heard about your deal with Klaus and I do hope you decide to stay" then he left and I picked my violin back up before I started to play again. A week later, I sat next to the family crypt talking with my dad.

" Molly normal people would talk to their family or friends about their issues, but who am I kidding your not normal." I smiled

" I miss you dad"

" I know but what I asked Klaus to do was for the best, at least I can talk to you now without having to go through a bunch of vampires to get to you"

" Dad, if you could change anything about what happened between you and mom, would you"

" of course I would, I missed your whole life, the only thing I got to see were the pictures I was sent of you. To me, you grew up through those pictures but I missed so much"

" then ask away" I told him and he smiled" favorite color?"

" black"

" first word"

" daddy" I told him and he chuckled" favorite song"

" don't have one" I told him with a shrug." best memory"

" the day I met Elijah" he raised an eyebrow and I quickly added" He was my first friend"

" what part of your life do you find hardest to bare" he asked and I looked down at my hands." the fact that I know if I forget about Klaus, I'll forget everyone, my friends, family, I'll forget who I am and where I came from, everything that happened in the last few years, it will just be gone" I mumbled and he sighed" you could choose to remember"

" but the pain will be to much to bare, way to much"

" then know I will always be watching over you, My red rose" I frowned and he disappeared. I went back to the quarter and locked the door to my room, before laying down and falling asleep. That night I dreamt about the future, a saw a little girl with brown hair and bright blue eyes. I frowned watching as she ran toward a man that looked like Klaus. He smiled picking her and he kissed her head." there you are, where's your mother"

" she's upstairs"

" is she using her fairy magic" he chuckled and the little girl nodded." mommy taught me fairy magic, you want to see" she asked and he smiled. she raised her tiny hand and the bottles on the counter exploded making me stare in shock. I heard footsteps and looked to see myself, Klaus set down the little girl and she ran over to her" mommy" she cried and my eyes widened.

" Mommy?" the other me questioned and the little girl giggled" your my mommy too, you teach me fairy magic and take care of me when mommy and daddy are off beating up bad people" the other me laughed and Klaus walked over to them kissed her head." my two hopes" he whispered and My eyes widened before sat up in bed with a gasp, I looked around shocked before closing my eyes and getting dressed for the day.

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