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"You can take care of Yourself but you put too much soy sauce on sushi," Chan mumbled, watching as Changbin fed Jisung some of his own sushi due to the youngest accidentally spilling soy sauce on his sushi.

Jisung pouted, mumbling a tiny, "Shut up," to the oldest. He then opened his mouth as another sushi roll was offered to him.

Changbin smiled, he didn't mind coming along on this trip. His parents didn't care so he hadn't gotten any texts or calls like Jisung did, more of just a "be careful," and "Have fun," from his elder sister.

Then again he didn't have a helicopter family like Jisung did.

Chan was the same as Changbin, family cared a lot but not over protective, just caring.


"I-I'm okay, we're all having fun so far. We haven't been gone long so please don't keep calling. I'll be home before you know it," Jisung mumbled, sitting at the wooden picnic table at the park, Chan and Changbin playing some weird game of tag behind him, "Where we are doesn't matter, I don't want you guys sending some sort of police or even coming here. I'll be an adult in less than a month."

Jisung sighed, trying to record a short voice message but it kept dragging out with his hesitance.

He bit his lip, deleting it and instead shutting off his phone. Slowly, hesitantly, he turned it back on and went through his contacts, screen shotting the numbers and such before blocking his family. He was avoiding them at all costs.

He didn't want to be forced back.

He didn't want all the spam and anxiety.

He loved his family but he couldn't handle being watched over, before his trip his elder cousin uninstalled all the tracking apps and such with his parents code, even disabling the parental controls.

The only family member he didn't block.

He sighed, turning off his phone for real this time, feeling Chan's arms wrap around his torso and the eldest male's head on his shoulder.

"Wassup Jisungie," He hummed, he had been so hesitant to come but he was really enjoying himself.

"Nothing, was going to message my mom but I couldn't think of what to say," he half lied.

Chan accepted it despite knowing it wasn't the full truth, they weren't there to mope around.

"Wanna go climb the monkey bars and just sit there until we have to hit the road again."

Jisung nodded, stuffing his phone in his pocket and getting up once Chan let go. He playfully blew a kiss to Changbin who had been watching, the 2nd oldest rolling his eyes.

The monkey bars were higher than those meant for little kids, these were designed for those older so Jisung, once clinging on, was still a few feet off thw ground.

His hands were grabbed and lifted a little off the metal, hearing a grunt as his weight was fully supported my Changbin.

"Don't do this, Changbin, this isn't the lion king-" Jisung croaked, looking at the wood chips and dirt below.

"Long live the king."

"PLEASE," Jisung screeched, holding onto Changbin's hands even tighter when the older male loosened his grip.







"You think crying will stop me?"

"You bet."


Jisung screamed.

"You're not even that far off the ground-"


The younest sniffled, eyes welling up with tears, Changbin biting his lip and tugging him up top the metal bars.

Jisung laughed, "YOU FELL FOR IT!"

"I'm not afraid to push you off."

"I'm sorry," Jisung croaked out instantly.

Changbin laughed, pulling Jisung close, carefully of the gaps between bars, Chan sitting across from them, a smile on his face as they watched the sun set. They'd been out all day.

"I'm hungry," Jisung mumbled.

Chan spoke up, "We haven't eaten since this morning so we can stop somewhere. Are you guys sure we won't get a hotel room? I don't mind sleeping in the car but-"

"We'll be okay Chan," Changbin hummed.

Jisung nodded, leaning against the male and turning his gaze to the sunset, "We should get used to sleeping following this timezone. Or we can keep our sleep schedules, whatever that is, and just mess around at night."

Chan shrugged this time, though he was still smiling, then hearing a small kiss-y sound and automatically assuming it was Jisung playfully begging for kisses.

Which that's exactly what it was.

Except Chan leaned over to kiss the youngest's nose while Changbin then kissed his forehead, the youngest squeaking from surprise.

"You guys were supposed to ignore me like normal-" He mumbled, touching his forehead where Changbin kissed.

"Would you rather me hit you?"


"Stop threatening him," Chan laughed, watching the flustered boy squirm away from Changbin but the elder male held him still.

They fell into silence other than for Jisung's quiet pants to catch his breath, their attention caught on the almost set sun.

"Should we go eat?" Chan asked once it was dark, slowly hopping off the monkey bars, an unsteady wobble in his step for a moment before he regained balance.

Jisung opted for crawling over to the ladder at the end, not feeling like hurting his ankles by landing weird.

Changbin jumped

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