Meeting him

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' Monday- I have to get ready for my first day at work. You get to set and meet some of the actors
Paul Wesley- hi nice to meet you I'm Paul I play Stefan, who do you play?
Katherine- hi nice to meet you too I'm Katherine and I play Elena
Paul- well looks like we are going to be good friends
*you both laughed*
Katherine-it looks like it, I actually gonna go meet the others but it was nice meeting you
Candice king- hi, are you going to play Elena?
Katherine-yes actually , who are you playing?
Candice- oh, I'm playing Caroline, OMG have you met Ian someholder?
Katherine- no, I recently got to set so I haven't been able to meet a lot of people
Candice- you're going to love his the funniest thing ever
Katheridne- well I can't wait to meet him
Candice-Ian and Paul are best friends
Katherine-oh didn't know that, but good to know
Chris grimmer(one of the tvd directors)-be ready in One hour were going to start filming.
Candice-oh, look there's Ian come on lets go meet him
Katherine's mind - when I saw him it was like looking at an angel his blue eyes and hair were shone like a diamond
Candice-earth to Katherine
Katherine- oh sorry I just froze
Ian someholder-hello you must be playing Elena ?
Katherine- yes actually who are you playing
Ian-I'm playing Damon,I'm Ian By the way
Katherine -Katherine
Ian-well nice to meet you Katherine
Katherine-nice to meet you too
Chris grimmer-were starting

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