Stalker Ex

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My unpleasant dream


A year ago I was dating a boy named Shawn, he was toxic and I was always at fault for things that were never my fault. He even basically took advantage of me when we were doing stuff, I had told him to stop but he wouldn't, saying that he couldn't, and he didn't stop until I was able to push him off of me. I broke up with him last may, then in June I met another boy, Gregory, who made me happy and always was very considerate and he never blamed me for anything even when it was my fault. So I started dating him and still am today. I was doing virtual school for the first semester of my senior year, so I of course never saw Shawn and I saw Gregory pretty much everyday when he wasn't working with his dad. This semester I went back to in person school and everything was going great, I didn't see Shawn once because he was in TAPS or something, until yesterday (2/9/21). I saw him walking down the hallway, right in front of me, for the first time in months I was truly scared. But he didn't notice me and so I went about my way. On to my dream now. And yes, it revolves around Shawn.


I had been minding my own business and Gregory was working, his dad is a truck driver, they are movers so he wouldn't be back for a few days. I went to school and it was just like any other normal day. Until I had to get on the bus.  Shawn got on with us, keep in mind he doesn't live in my neighborhood nor does he ride my bus as it ONLY goes in my neighborhood and no others. He followed me home. Got off at my stop and just wouldn't leave me alone. He chased me inside and got in before I could close the door. He tried to kiss me but I ran somewhere else fast. The rest is a blur but I believe that my brothers ended up getting him out of the house and protecting me from him. I called my mom scared to death as she wasn't home when it happened and she was very angry. So when she got home she filed for a restraining order to keep me safe but as there wasn't enough of a threat they didn't give one. So the next day terrified out of my mind I go to school and try to have a normal day. Hence the word TRY. Shawn somehow had found out my schedule and followed me to all my classes and would not leave me alone at all. He came into one of my classes and tried to grab me but I dropped under the desk and went to the other side where my friend was. She saw my distress and she got me away from him fast while it turned out my mom was raising hell in the office about how he was able to follow me home the day before. I went down there and at that point the principal wanted me to make a statement to him about Shawn and it was then that I broke and told mom everything, even about how he had taken advantage of me. My mom was heartbroken, thinking she failed to protect me again. (Again as I was taken advantage of for 6 years straight by my ex-bestfriend). But I made sure she knew it wasn't her fault. I should have told her sooner. After this there was enough for me to get a restraining order on him. But that didn't stop him from trying to get me. I went over to Gregory's house that night instead as Shawn had no idea who Gregory was nor his parents so I felt I'd be safe there. But I was wrong. He somehow found me again. He tricked Jen into letting him into the house and he went straight for me. He tried again to take advantage of me but this time Greg was home and waiting for me to come back to his room. When I didn't come back he came to see what I was doing. He saw me in tears with Shawn trying to do things I didn't want and went crazy. He threw Shawn off of me and attacked him. Gregory was shorter than Shawn but he was extremely strong from being a mover and he was skilled at fighting as he was from a slightly bad neighborhood before he moved closer to me and my family. So he was easily winning while I was on the floor sobbing from being terrified again. Jen came back and called the cops immediately after seeing what was happening and me telling her who that was. Jen and Scott are Greg's parents and they're extremely close with mine so mom told Jen about Shawn and so when I told her she knew to call the cops. Gregory stopped attacking Shawn and immediately ran to me to hold me as I was starting to have a panic attack and tried to calm me down while Shawn was knocked out on the floor. The police got there and took Shawn away immediately after getting statements from Gregory, Jen, and I. I thought it was finally over but I stayed home from school for the rest of that week. I stayed with Gregory as I knew he would always protect me. The next week I didn't see Shawn once so it was finally over. Gregory decided that he was going to get a different job and be at the school to pick me up in the afternoons with his mom and bring me in the mornings as well. Everything was going great. Then came one night. I was in my room sound asleep and then I wake up to a noise. I'm a very light sleeper so it's not unusual for me to wake up at small things so I thought of it as nothing. I wish I hadn't. Shawn was at my window. He had gotten inside somehow and was trying to get me again. I feel him climb on top of me and start to kiss on my neck. I say Gregory's name and I get smacked. I open my eyes terrified to see Shawn on top of me and I scream as loud as I can before he smacks me again. My dad was home from his job as he was also a truck driver like Scott. He is usually a deep sleeper but he woke up in the middle of the night to eat as he does quite often. He heard me scream and ran to my room. My mom was awoken by my scream as well as my brothers and my younger one Eli, he's 15 and a little scrawny but he's strong and fast, while Nate, he's 16, he's big and much taller than Shawn, he's strong as well, even though I'm older they're both extremely protective of me and we're in my room in seconds with dad right behind them. Eli got to us first and threw Shawn off of me while Nate started to kick him on the floor. Dad had left and came back, he told mom to call the cops and he got one of his guns. When he came back both boys were kicking the crap out of Shawn and he told them to stop and pointed the gun at Shawn. Mom had ran into the room over to me with my baby brother. Jayce who is 3 right behind her. They both got up into my bed and Jayce sat in my lap while mom held us both, mainly holding me. Mom had called Jen even though it was around 2am and she answered sleepily but got up fast to come over with Gregory and Scott. When they got there Gregory kicked Shawn in the ribs and then came over to me. I jumped into his arms and started sobbing harder. The police had come and were taking statements and Shawn had been handcuffed and put into the cop car. A week later he was sentenced to life in prison for assault and for breaking and entering, as well as agrivated assault and I was finally safe, but with fear clouding my every thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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