True story

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 When I was 13 I went to Myrtle Beach with my grandma, my two aunts, and my three cousins. It was my first time at the beach so while there I had a great time. Until we went down to the beach that is. When I was in the ocean I was having so much fun swimming out and then riding the waves back to shore. At one point I was on my way back to the shore when all of a sudden I felt this sting go through my entire body. Now at the time I wasn't sure but I thought I had gotten stung by a jellyfish or something. My aunt thought that I just had a sand rash which was completely believable so I sat with her until I started to feel much worse.

My grandma was going up to our hotel room so I and my younger cousin Mykah went up with her. I decided to take a cold shower as my body was burning in pain. The shower helped a lot, until my body got used to the coldness and it started making the pain worse. At this point my grandma gave me Benadryl in hopes it would help, not surprisingly it didn't help, at all. So we are in the hotel room, I'm in so much pain at this point that I am sobbing, I was scared, I wanted to be home, I had Mykah call my mom so I could talk to her like any child would want when they are hurting and aren't with a parent. I have huge welts all over my torso from swimming through the smack of Jellyfish meaning that I like so many others, are allergic to them.

At this point my mom had grasped the situation from what she could hear over the phone. She was upset that I was in so much pain to the point I couldn't even talk, all she could hear was her baby sobbing in pain and her nephew trying to make me feel better. She tells Mykah to put our grandma on the phone and when he does my mom yelled at her to take me to the hospital as she had given her my medical card for a reason. About an hour after I was stung so many times, I was taken to the hospital, treated, and sent off. For the rest of the trip I didn't go into the ocean and I had to take antibiotics. The marks from the hives and stings of the Jellyfish stayed with me for months after the trip and so I will never forget my first vacation. To this day, 4 years later, I still don't like the ocean much and won't go in for long. That my friend is the story of my worst, and first, vacation.

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