Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Dear Taehyung,

I'm writing this during the recovery of my surgery from being shot so please excuse how shaky my writing is. Yes, someone tried to kill me earlier, but I'm fine. I swear I am. I'm feeling better and I will be standing soon and ready to tighten the reigns on this entire kingdom. The person who shot me is in custody, so don't worry about that. I know me telling you not worry won't stop you from worrying, but I swear I'm fine.
I got your letter today (or was it yesterday? I'm unsure of the time even after I asked haha). God, I'm so happy. Even after everything that happened, I still can't stop thinking about it. You're actually pregnant? After all those times the doctor said it was impossible and yet you're already 6 months pregnant? That must mean you know the gender, how come you didn't tell me in the letter? I really don't care about the gender, I'm just ready to get home so I can see you and be there with you when it's time. I'm going to try my best to quicken the pace here and also put more effort into my safety. I can't wait to see you, Hana, and Hanseok.
Have you thought of names? I was thinking we should keep the "Han" in his/her name. I'm sorry I'm rambling on about the baby, you have no idea how excited I am and I know it will be trouble raising Hana and a newborn considering she'll be maybe 9 or 10 months when our little one is born. But we can do it.
I love you, Jeon Taehyung. I'll see you soon.

The letter had wet splotches decorating the bottom half and smearing the word 'soon'. Jungkook didn't know he was going to die and he was sure everything was going to be okay. It only made Taehyung cry harder in the back seat of the car as they entered Jungkook's kingdom.

At least he died happy.

But he died thinking that he'd get to see Taehyung, Hana, Hanseok, and their newborn baby.

'Why...' Taehyung thought as he pressed the letter to his chest and leaned over so his head touched the back of the passenger side seat. He had just woken up from his stress-induced nap and as soon as he opened his eyes to see the then unread letter resting on his lap like a weight, everything immediately crashed onto him like a wave.

He knew so much stress could hurt their baby but could you blame him? He just found out his husband was shot and killed by some domestic terrorist and he was now on his way to say goodbye to the man he loved so dearly.

Jungkook had saved him and waited years to be with him and then they were finally happy. And as soon as they got married had to strike.

The entire situation was so unreal and Taehyung silently begged for someone to laugh and say that it was just a sick prank. He would rather hold a life-long grudge than to face his presumed to be dead husband.

But no one said anything.

No one turned to tell him that Jungkook was fine, that the gun wound healed and nothing bad had happened.

No one turned around to tell him that the entire situation was fake, that the letter was a prank.

The entire car ride was silent besides Taehyung's soft crying which had only stopped when he was asleep. His body shook violently as he took deep breaths to calm his crying but to no avail. It only made him cry more as the gravity of the situation sank deep into his body and it was as though his organs were only working from just his decreasing will power.

He leaned up and rested the back his head against the seat. He wiped his eyes with his thumbs and closed his eyes, keeping the letter close to his chest and not caring that he was crinkling it.


Taehyung's eyes slowly open and he turned his head to look at the boy who just spoke. He realized they were at the hospital where Jungkook had been treated and he took a deep breath before climbing out of the car. The servant gave him a tissue but Taehyung didn't notice as he used his hands to wipe his eyes.

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