Chapter Nineteen

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Jungkook held Taehyung's hand in his as they headed back to the castle. The king knew Taehyung was a nervous wreck; he was tense and fidgeting around but he didn't say anything and just kept the younger man's hand in his.

"I didn't want to rush things onto you," Jungkook said softly as he stroked Taehyung's hand with his thumb.

Taehyung glanced at him but went back to looking out the window. He used one shoulder to give Jungkook a quick shrug. "It's said they wanted to meet me sometime this week anyway."

"Yeah, but you're clearly not ready and I apologize for that. I feel like I'm killing two birds with one stone by telling my people about you and introducing you to my family on the same day but I'm worried about you as well, I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you to do anything."

Taehyung turned to look at him. He sighed and looked down at his and Jungkook's intertwined fingers before looking back up at Jungkook and giving him a small yet reassuring smile.

"You're not forcing me, I'm just...nervous."

"There's no reason to be nervous, I promise," Jungkook reassured. He brought Taehyung's hand up to his mouth and gently pressed his lips against the man's knuckles. Taehyung watched him with an indescribable expression before turning it into a small smile and returning his attention to the window.

Taehyung watched people point at the car as it passed them. They were gathering wherever Jungkook told them to gather, they were bustling around the streets in groups, talking loudly and looking at Jungkook's car whenever it passed. The said man's hand became heavier in Taehyung's hand as his mind drifted to what happened at the carnival. The so-called princess had said Jungkook would never want a "street rat" like Taehyung. Not that Taehyung was a street rat, but it still hurt and worried him. Jungkook's love was genuine, even Taehyung knew this. If it weren't, then Jungkook would've already been married and happy with someone else after the constant rejection. But that wasn't what he was worried about.

"Jungkook, what are you going to do if they don't accept me?" Taehyung suddenly asked, turning to face the king with a grim expression.

Jungkook had been off in a daze when Taehyung spoke up. "What?"

"If they don't accept me, what will you do? What will happen between us?"

"Nothing," Jungkook answered quickly, "I'd stay with you, nothing else is going to come in between us, Taehyung."

"But they're you're parents..."

Jungkook sighed and took the aforementioned man's face in his hands. He caught Taehyung's confused and worried eyes in his. He wanted to repeat what he had said earlier that Taehyung's house but he knew there was no need. He wanted to tell Taehyung that there was nothing to worry about because even if his parents and/or his people didn't accept Taehyung as Jungkook's — hopefully — future husband and future king of his kingdom then that would be a problem that they would have to solve on their own. And if leaving the kingdom was the solution, then so be it, thousands of people moved into his kingdom every year and very little in comparison left. It wouldn't hurt his feelings if people left because they couldn't accept Taehyung.

Instead, Jungkook didn't say anything and they just stared at each other for what felt like forever. Taehyung was the first one to break the eye contact but before he could even think about moving away, Jungkook leaned in. He brushed his nose against the younger male's who tensed up as he felt the king's lips barely brush against his. Jungkook paused and caught the brunette's gorgeous brown eyes in his again. Taehyung's breath fanned against Jungkook's lips in quick huffs and he shakily released a long breath. His eyes fluttered closed as he slowly closed the small remaining space between their lips, taking Jungkook by a pleasant surprise.

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