Things get , interesting

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Monica's pov

It was the next morning and I felt two pairs of strong arms wrapped around me . I looked up to see will hugging me tight to him , fast asleep . After a bit of struggling , I wiggled out of both bayani's and will's arms and went to go take a shower . I stepped into the warm water , relaxing my tense muscles . I felt myself lurch over as I started to change . I made a loud moan , falling to my knees as I tried to stop the change , I stuffed a washcloth in my mouth as I tried to calm myself and think , saying will's and bayani's names to help calm me down . I eventually , after five minutes of struggling , came back to normal . I stood up , slowly finishing my shower .

* will's pov *

I woak up the next morning to hear running water and moaning . I turned over to see Bayani having a wet dream , but of me and Monica . I gave a small gasp , feeling myself getting slightly aroused . Yeah , I'm falling for Jordan and Monica , I don't know if I have said it before . I got out of bed and went to the sounds coming from the bathroom , intrigued . I listened behind the closed door and heard moaning as well , and again mine and Jordan's names coming from Monica's mouth . Ok by now I feel like a rock , I need to go calm down . I stepped outside to calm down , it being a cool morning out . I shivered slightly , being dumb and not bringing a jacket . After a few minutes I went back inside to take a shower myself . I saw that the door was wide open and Monica was not inside . So I went to take my shower , back facing away from the door . I was trying to find the conditioner when I was spun around and shoved against the wall by a soaking wet jordan . He gave me the stay quiet look as he kissed me softly , atomic bombs going off in me . Jordan leaned into me and started grinding on me , we both needing each other ...

* Monica's pov *

I was standing in what used to be bayani's brothers room , finishing a call with H . I was telling him about the incident and he was arguing with me , telling me this was a mistake . I was only in a towel since I had to call him right after . After I assured him I was ok and they didn't know , I went to go get my clothes on . I heard the shower running and mentally cursed myself . I went to the door and stopped , listening inside . I heard muffled moaning and tilted my head in confusion . I opened the already slightly ajar door to see ( btw Bayani has a clear shower curtain ) will and Jordan having an extremely heated make out session. Jordan had will pressed up against the wall roughly , both soaking wet and beautifully naked . I felt stuck , like I was in a trance . I just watched as they touched each other so lovingly , feeling myself become turned on . I snapped out of it and grabbed my clothes and left before they noticed . I went into a different room , panting hard and sweating . I leaned against the wall , calming myself down . I continued to get ready for the day , having that image stuck in my head all day .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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