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-=+* Monica's pov , one week later , traveling to Pax Prime *+=-

This is it , I'm on a plane to go see everyone . I'm extremely excited , but alittle nervous . Lately I've been recording a lot with bayani and Kiingtong and I feel like I might have developed a small crush on the two . I hope I don't screw anything up . Anyways , we met with tybzi and dfield and all of the other on our flight and boarded together . While we flew everyone talked to themselves but I went into daydream mode and dreamt of Jordan and will while getting there.

-=+* three hours later *+=-

We are here ! We just landed and I surprisingly had no accidents along the way . That's the only thing I'm

Scared of , is letting the secret out and not being able to stop it . H and Alyssa constantly have a eye on me and here so will Devon . Straub couldn't make it sadly . I take a deep breath as we go to find the others , us finding shep first . Soon enough we find everyone else with his help and I finally see him in person . Jordan . He's sooo much shorter than I anticipated but I run and tackle him , him hugging me back with just as much force and I do . We stay in the hug for the longest time before we let go , grinning like the Cheshire Cat . We talk for the longest time while waiting on everyone .

Bayani: hi !!!! Wow it's finally happening .

Me: I know right ? I'm so glad to see you bayani .

Bayani: call me Jordan .

Me: o-ok then , haha. Wow this is amazing !! I love it here already haha .

Bayani: yeah , it's pretty cool here .

We talked for awhile before will finally got here . The height difference between Bayani and will was huge . Bayani was alittle bit shorter that me while will was a lot taller than me . I ran and attacked him , him picking me up and spinning me around . We laughed and he set me down and hugged bayani tight . The three of us talked for what seemed like forever , when it was only like 5 minutes , before we were all going to wherever we was staying . Bayani let me and will stay in now his apartment , since his brother moved out shortly before pax . H , Alyssa , and devon were worried about me staying there by myself , since I am unpredictable , but I have a injection that stops the transformation , but I can't use it too much cause it makes me feel like crap . Anyways , we arrived at bayani's apartment and he gave us a tour . We went through every room , ending with his bedroom .

Bayani: and here's my room . Sadly we only have one bed cause my brother took his with him . So one of you can take my bed and the other the couch or both of you on the couch or two share my bed or something .

Will: we could all three share , if that's ok with you two .

Bayani: fine by me .

Me: yeah , I'm ok with that .

So we figured that out . We were going to meet the rest of the gang at a restaurant in and hour so we went and got ready . I took a quick shower and dressed in a grey sweater , dark skinny jeans and my signature black converse . I finished up and went to see Bayani and will looking handsome as ever . Ok , yeah I defiantly have a crush on them . We headed to the restaurant , joking along the way . I felt something ...... Off . Like something was going to happen that wouldn't be good . I shrugged it off , focussing on the night ahead . We reached the restaurant and almost immediately H pulled me away privately . He lead me to the back of the restaurant and held me against the wall , talking in a whisper .

H: ok , you will not want to hear this but , they are back .

Me: what do you mean H ? Who ?

H: the people who captured us, remember they ruined our lives ?

Me: how ? They all died in the fire !

H: ssshhhh , all except two . A boy and girl and they started it again . We have to be careful about the other members .

Me: ok , how do you know ? Do the others know ?

H: I saw them while I was coming here , they were heading towards the country but we still need to keep an eye . And all of us know , no other cube members .

Just then , I felt a change coming on . H could see by the way my eyes widened and my mouth opened . I dropped to my knees , him holding me and I fought it off . I ended up changing and as soon as I did I changed back , pain almost unbearable . I whimpered into H's chest , him comforting me as I recovered . Soon we were ok and we went to dinner with everyone .

After dinner I headed back to bayani's place with him and will . When we arrived we hung out in Jordan's bedroom and me and will watched him stream . It was very relaxing , and quite funny to watch all the people trying to get his attention . After he finished we headed off to bed , preparing for a long day .

Of course I would lay in the middle of the two boys , Bayani closer to the wall and will by the edge . Will is going to fall of this bed and I know it . I yawned , tired and wore out . Eventually I fell asleep , having a uneventful dream ...

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