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Luna's pov

It's been a week since we have been able to go home and so far everything has been like normal . Me and Alyssa are living with H now cause of the transformations . ( In this story all of the cube members live either alone or together , yes I know h lives with his parents but pretend ok ? :) ) Don't worry , our families don't care . Anyways , it's been a normal day and me , Alyssa , hbomb , bayani , graser , and kiingtonq are recording a episode of cube evolution together . We were opening lucky blocks when something bad happened .

Hbomb: I got another dragon egg !!

Graser: lucky , I've been getting stone tools and buckets .

Will: I got some gold armor .

Alyssa: chickens and diamonds !!

Bayani: look at all them chickens .

Me: haha , I got a d- uhhhh I'll be right back .

I ran out of the room and into H's room . He turned to me worried and I collapsed onto the floor . He quickly muted his mic and yelled for Alyssa to come . They helped me onto H's bed as I had one of the worst transformations yet . I screamed over and over in pain and my body morphed into a little white cat with one missing and scarred eye . I got it from fighting back against a male scientist at the lab . He looked to be about 19 or so . He stabbed me right in the eye with one of the knives they use in surgeries and my eye didn't make it . I could hear graser , bayani, and will yelling at us from mine and Alyssa's room . I laid there , not able to move , as H went and talked to the guys and Alyssa got me medicine and water . I felt a needle go into my leg and I yelped , not expecting it . She said sorry and injected the medicine into me , pouring some cold water into a bowl so I could drink it . H had teamspeak to where we could hear it as the three boys on the other end were freaking out . He assured them it was ok , but they weren't believing it . Eventually I could walk and the pain was gone so I hopped up into H's lap and talked to them .

Me: guys I'm ok , I've been feeling really sick lately and that happens . I'm sorry for scaring you .

Bayani: ok , but if you need us you give us a call ok ?

Me: I will bayani . I'm gonna go lay down for awhile . I'll come back here in alittle while . Love you guys !!

Gra, Bay, and Will: ok , love you !!

I left H and Alyssa to record some more while I walked to the living room . I laid down and watched some tv , slowly falling asleep .

Bayani's pov ( two hours later)

It's been a few hours and I'm still worried about Monica . I hope she is ok ... I'm sitting on teamspeak , recording a few more bits for my cube evolution episode when I see her name pop up on the tab list . Soon , Monica enters my channel and I smile .

Me: hey , you feeling better ?

Monica: yeah , wanna finish that clip from earlier ?

Me: sure .

We do random stuff on cube evolution for awhile , hatching her ice dragon and working on hers and Alyssa's base . They have a really pretty spot , it's right in the middle of a cherry blossom grove . It's beautiful there , so me and her worked on their cottage . Then we opened a few lucky blocks and ended our videos . Afterwards , we talked about random stuff like pax .

Me: are you excited for pax ?

Monica: uhhh yes ! I can't wait to meet you in person and hug you .

Me: me too .

Monica: just gonna warn you that I will tackle you and will and graser when I see you guys .

Me: your welcome to it haha !!

We continued to talk for awhile before we both went off . I laid down on my bed and listen to the soft rain outside as I thought about pax . One more week Jordan , one more week till you can hug her . I sighed to myself , ok I might have a small crush on her . But lately , I've been viewing will differently too . I've noticed the way he laughs , how his eyes sparkle when he does . I noticed his hair , his eyes , his lips .... I zoned out thinking of the two before it dawned on me .

I think I have a crush on my two best friends .

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