So That's Why

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"Eric, seriously! Who is calling you?! What's going on?!" I cried.

He took a deep breath, looking at his phone. His hand was shaking. 

"I um...I'm not sure what's going on. Bruce called me like six times, he doesn't...he doesn't usually call when I'm not with him, and never this much. Can I call him back?" he asked, giving me an almost scared look.

Frowning, I folded my arms across my chest. 

"Of course." 

Letting out a shuddery breath, Eric quickly dialed him back. 

"Hey what's--Bruce what's going on? Are you okay?" 

There was a long pause as the blood slowly drained from his face.

" How did they find out? We were careful, there's no way!" he cried. 

I raised an eyebrow, getting curious. Eric ran a hand through his hair, face pale.

"W-well what did they say? Are they--oh. Tonight? Damn. Look, look just calm down, just take a deep breath, I promise it'll all be okay! I-I'm with a friend right now, I'll be back in like an hour or so, I promise. It'll be okay."

There was another pause as my eyebrow arched higher before he finally said a goodbye and hung up, letting out a curse.

"So what happened?" I asked. 

"Can we go back to the hotel? He wants to talk to me in person," he said in a small voice.

I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Of course. But I want you to tell me what's going on when you can," I said.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," he said in an almost distracted voice. 

The drive home was silent again but this time for an entirely different reason. I could tell that despite how hard he was trying to act calm for me, he was on the edge of flipping out. Eventually, we made it back to my room. 

"I-I need to go talk to Bruce, will you be okay here?" he asked.

I nodded. "Good luck," I said.

With a mumbled goodbye, he turned and practically ran out of the room. I watched from the peephole as he went the opposite direction of his room, presumably to grab Bruce, and was seized by a sudden idea.

Knowing that this was technically what got me into this mess, I snuck my way to his room, hiding in the closet this time and waiting with bated breath. 

It didn't take long for the door to open and two sets of footsteps to walk in.

"How did they find out?! I don't understand, we were so careful!" Eric cried.

"I...I think it might be my fault," Bruce whispered. "I got drunk with Paul, I-I don't remember what I said, I must've told him. Eric I'm s-so sorry." 

In spite of not being entirely fond of Bruce due to the fact he was the person Eric was seeing behind my back, I still felt my heart ache for him as he broke down into quiet tears.

"No it's okay, it's okay," Eric said soothingly. "Don't cry, I promise it's okay! In a way it's good that they know, I-I'm sure they'll be understanding." 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, if-if they threaten to kick us out of the band I'll take the fall, it's my fault anyway," Bruce choked. 

"No you won't and no it's not. It's okay, I'm sure it's all going to be fine. Gene and Paul are our friends! Now come on, we should just get this over with."

"Yeah. Eric I'm really--"

"Shh. Don't apologize, okay? I promise it'll all work out," he said.

There was a pause before I heard them rise to their feet and walk out of the room. If Bruce was this upset now, I could only imagine how he'd feel when he figured out what Eric had done. A part of me felt bad for what had to come, but the other part oh so desperately wanted to see the confrontation.

There was only one way to see how things would all work out though, and that was to wait for Eric to get around to figuring out what exactly he planned to do.

"Your dad's gotten us into quite the mess," I murmured, putting my hands on my stomach and sneaking back to my room.

As to whether or not he could get us out of the mess remained to be seen.

UH! All Night: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now