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"Come on, Katherine. Push!" the pack doctor, Gregg, told the panting woman. She only let out a loud wail of pain, doing what the doctor told her to do. But she could already feel the fatigue on her body, almost feeling too weak to even grasp her mate's hand. With a final push, she felt the baby slide out. She let out a sigh as she relax on the bed, her muscles screaming with relief.

"Code Red! Code Red!" the doctor yelled out, the nurses in the room scrambling about. Katherine opened her mouth, desperate to ask what was wrong. But no words could come out. Even her mate seemed distracted at whatever alarmed the doctors. She used all her strength to open the link between her and her mate.


'Matt?' She called out. Even her inner voice sounded weak. Her mate quickly turned to her, his worried face scrunching up even more.

"Katherine? What's wrong?"


'Wha...What's happening?' she asked, fighting the urge to just close her eyes. He came to her, worry on his face.

"Katherine, it's ... it's our daughter. She got tangled up in the umbilical chord."

She let out a choked cry, forcing herself to sit up, ignoring the pain that hit her body. Her mate winced, her pain being shared with him momentarily. He quickly helped her to sit up, knowing she won't rest until she saw her daughter. What she saw made her wail out, not sure if she should be happy or devastated with what she saw. Her small child, her baby girl, looked so beautiful, all except for a large gash at the base of her neck. Her werewolf genes had already stopped the bleeding, but Katherine could already see that there were certain parts of her wound that weren't fully healed yet. However, her little girl was whisked out of the room by a nurse, probably to go get treated or cleaned up.

As if he could read her mind, Matt turned to the doctor, stopping him from following the nurse. "What's happening Gregg?"

Gregg only had a grim look on his face as he turned to his Alpha and Luna. "I can’t say for certain until I have a closer look. But from what I can see, the umbilical chord seemed to have been wrapped around her neck for some time, maybe the last month of Katherine’s pregnancy. Her throat doesn’t look too badly injured, but I’m going to have to run some tests before I can verify anything.”

Matt let his hand fall to his side, allowing Greg to follow after his daughter before turning to his mate. Katherine was struggling to keep her eyes open, but Matt could see the fatigue clearly.

“Katherine, rest.”

She shook her head, her eyes never leaving the door the nurse took their daughter. Matt sighed, grabbing Katherine’s hand. “Please. I know you’re tired. Greg said he needs to run tests and that may take some time. Just rest and I will wake you up when he comes back.”

Rather reluctantly, Katherine nodded her head, finally tearing her eyes away from the door to look at Matt. Matt could see the fear in her eyes and he only hoped his own eyes held some comfort for his mate. Kissing her forehead, he tucked his mate into the bed and within minutes, she was passed out, soft snores filling the room. Taking a seat next to her bed, Matt pulled out his phone and began scrolling through his contacts, looking for his beta’s name before hitting the call button. The phone rang twice before the familiar deep voice of his best friend came through.

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