Chapter 7

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“You’re a lucky girl, Sally. Most unshifted wolves wouldn’t have survived a rogue attack, much less make it out with only a few deep lacerations,” the doctor told me, scribbling things down on his clipboard before looking at me. “You’re free to go, but please be careful. It’ll be at least two days before you’re healed completely.”

Nodding my head, I shook his hand before waving bye, heading to the lobby of the small building, although I had to stop in my tracks as I heard my dad yell echo through the hall.

“-formation on us to tell other rogues!”

I turned the corner and saw Dad and Jett glaring at each other in the middle of the room while my mom and Jake were sitting down, just watching the pair warily. Jett stood taller than my dad, though both were growling lowly at each other.

“He didn’t choose to let him escape. He chose to save your daughter first.”

The two still stood, glaring at each other. My mom sighed before her eye caught mine.


My mom rushed over me, fussing over me while Jake following after our mom. After making sure I was okay, she began scolding me for going out into the woods by myself, especially in a town that isn’t familiar to us. I listen halfheartedly, half of my attention focusing on my dad and Jett. My dad threw Jett one final glare before he walked over to us.


Jett stood there and our eyes met. He gave me a small smile, one that I was quite happy to return. However, Jett turned and began to walk away, heading towards the hospital’s exit. As disappointed as I was, after seeing how my dad and Jett looked like they wanted to kill each other when I first entered the room, it was quite understandable why he chose to walk away.

“Sally, what were you thinking, going out by yourself when you knew rogues were running around?” My mom questioned me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I looked at her before I brought my gaze down, shrugging my shoulders as I avoided my mom’s disappointed stare. I heard her sigh in exasperation before I felt arms wrap around my body. I looked up, finally taking a good look at my. Her red eyes were bright with unshed tears and her nose was quite red. I felt my heart slightly clench at the sight of my mother and I hugged her back just as tightly as she held me.

“Never mind. I’m just glad you’re safe and that Davis managed to find you in time.”

I heard my father mumble something under his breath that I didn’t catch, however my mother seemed to have heard as she let me go to slap my father on his arm.

“Matt, stop it. You’re acting like a child, not like an alpha. Davis couldn’t catch the rogue, but he saved our daughter. In my opinion, he made the right choice. If he had gone after the rogue, another rogue could have come and attacked our daughter. Be grateful he was there to save our daughter.”

My dad growled a bit, though he did managed to look sheepish at my mother’s words. He sighed before he took my mother in his arms, pressing his lips to her temple. “Thanks Katherine. I needed that.”

She smiled up at him. My brother coughed, bringing them out of their reverie. My parents turned to us, looking almost surprised to see us standing there. My mom laughed, a blush on her face as my dad looked away. I smiled at them, thanking God for my family.

If I could only be with my mate right now, I wouldn’t have asked for anything more.

~Unknown POV~

As the man in front of me finished telling what happened, I couldn’t help but let a growl escape my mouth. “Why didn’t you kill them? He was disposable and it’s vital that girl is dead. If the rumors are true and that girl really is the silver wolf, we need to eliminate her before she shifts. And now that she met her mate, her time of her first shift is fast approaching.”

The man tried to stand his ground, but his body shook anyway as I kept my gaze on his pathetic form. “I’m sorry. I almost had her. But that guy came out of nowhere and he wouldn’t let me near her. And he was strong. Not as strong as an alpha, but almost that strong, I would say.”

I nodded my head, scrunching my eyebrows together in thought. If he was as strong as he was saying, then maybe he really didn’t stand a chance.

“Did you, by chance, managed to catch any distinguish features about this wolf?”

“There was one feature, I suppose. Besides him being a black wolf, he had a scar on one of his paws. It was hard to miss, I would say.”

I chuckled to myself. “A scar you say? Well, if it’s who I think it is, then you probably did the right thing.”

“Huh?” I simply laughed at his confused face. “Don’t worry. Even if things didn’t go according to plan, I still have some tricks up my sleeve.”

I stood up, glancing out the window to see the sun high in the sky. “Kevin.”

“Yes sir,” the man answered.

“Make sure you send a pack of wolves into the town tomorrow, just to rough them up a bit. Make sure you manage to get a wolf up to the girl and try to injure her. Don’t kill her now, just injure her. I … need her to be injured in front of her dad in order for me to continue with plan b.”

With a nod of his head, I turned on my heel and swiftly made my way out of the makeshift house, quickly transforming into my wolf in order to run back to the town. Better get back before those fools start to worry. I chuckled to myself as the town came into sight.

I will rule over all these pathetic wolves.

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