Ava Was Here

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Everyone was at a loss on what to do, what could they do? It had already been much too late to bother trying to knock some sense into the young adult.

There, on the kitchen table, eating his lunch as if it were nobody's business was Edward Elric. His hair nearly pulled back into a ponytail as he seemed to be holding a conversation with someone.

It wasn't anything new, everyone was used to him talking about something, especially when someone was around. If he had his mind set in something or had already been thinking about something. There was no way to stop his train of thought.

"Edward?" Dawn quietly called out to him, being one of the first people to step up to him. Ed simply turned his head with a small smile.

"Hey Dawn, where's Mustang?" He'd been so casual about it, as if nothing plagued his mind. "Ava, I thought you recently talked to Dawn, didn't you?"

"Ed..." Dawn quietly called out, she felt a tightening feeling in her chest, a familiar feeling she'd recognize over her years of living.


"Ava's..." Dawn started, though she hesitated as she stared at his eyes. They looked different, the years not treating them as well as she'd imagined.

"Ava's..?" Ed questioned, confused as to Dawn's sudden hesitation.

"Ava's been dead for three years already Ed..." Dawn choked out, covering her mouth slightly.

"What are you talking about? Ava's right there?" Ed casually pointed his thumb to the spot across the table. The empty seat had been pulled out, and a plate full of food had been sitting there.

Three years ago, in the small town of Resembool, a funeral was held. A young adult had been sick the last few days, only to succumb to it at the end. She'd been happy, saying that it was okay, and that she wanted everyone to move on. But the man that was to be her husband, couldn't. He'd been through a similar story with his mother, wishing she wouldn't die, but in the end, they had.

He didn't cry at her funeral; he wore a stone cold face. His eyes were glazed over, as if he couldn't process everything that had been going on around him. He'd returned home to his home with his brother and sister-in-law in tow, letting the two sleep over in the spare guest bedroom.

It was the small things at first, Alphonse, his younger and only brother, noticed it. He'd been, okay. He'd gotten back up on his feet as if nothing had ever happened. When he questioned it, Edward would respond with a simple, "She'd want me to keep moving."

It was a response that Al hadn't expected, they'd gone through the loss of so many friends and close people, that he expected his brother to be down for longer, grieving. Though, he decided not to dwell on it, maybe his brother was just trying to act strong.

Days went on and small things bugged Alphonse. The flowers that had been withering were switched out, something Ed did for Ava when she was out. He'd prepare the house to look nice. Or something he did as to make Ava smile since he knew she'd toss the dried flowers and put the vases away.

It was the way Ed's patience never changed. The way he'd been calm and collected, even though he'd just lost the one person he'd fallen in love with. The one of the few people who his world had revolved around.

On the day Alphonse and Yue had headed out, there had been one line that his brother said that had stayed in his mind. It never left when he would begin to think about his brother's wellbeing.

"You two have everything?"

"Yes brother. Take care okay? We'll make sure to visit you and Winry soon." Al mentioned as the train's whistle blew, the train beginning to move as they wrapped up their chat.

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