Hey hey, it's okay.. [Dream team ft, reader]

499 22 4

PLATONIC FRIENDS, comfort angst.( school mate au!)
Requested by, @yourdailyinsomnia

M/n had a yelling argument with his roommate, he couldn't take it anymore so he stomped away and went to his room. He slammed the door shut behind him, and went to his bed. He sat on it, and moved a bit back til his back was pressing against the wall behind him. M/n grabbed an pillow, and hugged it very quickly.

M/n's breathing went to normal, to panic. His eyes, were watering those tears streaming down his cheeks.

M/n hugged the pillow tightly now, as his surroundings slowly fade away and make his room to nothing. But darkness, and only darkness. More tears were coming, out of his eyes streaming down his cheeks. His body was shaking, he tried hugging the pillow to the tightly as he could.

Then everything went to normal, when his phone rang beside him.

He lifted his head from the pillow, and also loosened his grip on the pillow. He grabbed the phone, and saw his friends were calling him. M/n wiped his tears away, cleared his throat and placed the pillow away. He awnsered the call, and got a loud greeting from his Friend, Sapnap.

" hey M/n! "

" h-hallo.. "

M/n's voice, was still raspy. Even though, he cleared his throat to not sound raspy.

" you good my guy? "

Sapnap asked, his tone of voice was worried.

" i'm f-fine. "

" lies. "

Dream said, with no hesitation.

" i heard the argument between you and your.. roommate. "

" h-how?! "

" my worries, got the best of me when you always go to school and talk with a raspy voice. And i also see those tear marks on your cheeks M/n. So i followed you to your apartment, of course i hid myself so you wouldn't notice me. And i heard how your roommate let all his anger out on you, when it wasn't even your fault. "

M/n got silent.

" oh damn.. "

" is this true M/n? "

George asked,

" y-yeah.. "

" look M/n,  you're strong. And you can stand against him "
Dream said,

" yeah M/n! You can do it! If you couldn't.. well we will be with you to help you out! "
Sapnap yelled.

" we'll try our best M/n "
George said.

" you're our friend after all.  And friends help each other out no matter what. Some friends would be bitches, but not us.. we're the type of friends to stand by with you M/n! "
Sapnap said, with confidence.

Dream laughed at how silly Sapnap is, and he knew his trying to make M/n laugh.

" well, Sapnap isn't lying. We will stand by with you M/n. Til now and til the end! "
Dream said, as he sounded like adventurous.

" thanks guys.. "

" oh course M/n.. if you need to laugh, you just need these two horse faced twelve year olds to cheer ya up ."
George said,

" George how could you! "

" what? It's true anyway. "

" it hurts our feelings Gogy!!! "
Dream and Sapnap  tried sounding like their hurt.

' thanks guys.. I appreciate it. '


Hope you liked the angst!

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