V: Dream

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"No not at all! Why would I? I'm just not used to these places that much," he explained, his skull rotating back and forth.

I smiled at his wondering orbs and leaned in for a conversation.

"Tell me about your family. Who are there in your home?"

"Well my eomma, helmoni and noona. They're my forever mentors," Hoseok recollected, his lip's corners curled upwards.

I slid my skull on one side,"What about your appa?"

The smile that was lingering independently in his talks, faded in a second. "He doesn't stay with us. He left us long back. My parents are divorcées. They were determined to end their relationship for the rest of their life. So we're staying alone in a house, just the four of us." His voice flowed out with the agony which he had been hiding in the core of his heart. Afterall it was his blood lineage. He is supposed to have some attachments with his dad.

I tried to console him but before I could spell another word, the steward arrived with the picks. He arranged the bowls and plates on the table top in a precise manner. The ambrosia subsided our visions at the dishes. It ran me amok to start off already yet I waited for the main lead to begin with the supper.

Hoseok was amicable. He handed me a pair of chopsticks and motioned for me to commence. I strived to amend the ambience by resolving to start together.

While Hoseok was busy with his sticks and ceramic, I analysed his brink. I was pretty sure that he was really, really hungry. For a moment, I found him slurping his bowls irresistively. Poor boy, I feel sorry for him.

"Hoseok do you like it?"

"Mmm," he chorused,"I love these. They're delicious!"

I chuckled at his reply. This made me a little more concerned about him. Maybe I should see his family too.

"Excuse me please!" I aired to seek the attention of a waiter who stood stood nearby. He jogged to our table,"Yes ma'am you need something?"

"Get two chocolate truffles and pack three plates of each of the dishes I ordered. I want them as parcels except for the desserts."

"Sure ma'am. I'll get it ready at the counter," he bowed and hurried off.

A dessert spoon clanked with an empty sweet dish saucer. I stretched my hand to collect my purse and bag. "Let's leave now."

Three big plastic bags waited at the payments section to be claimed by me. I swiped my card on the PDQ machine and Hoseok helped me with the packets. After filling them on the rare seat of my car, we perched back inside, me on the driver seat and he on the front passenger one.

It was almost twilight. Little stars blotted on the surface of the dark shade, twinkling and blinking at none in particular.

"Ah Hanuel, I know I shouldn't be asking this after what you did for me but I'm just curious. What are you going to do with so much foods?"

"It's for your family."

"What? Why?"

"Don't act so selfish Hoseok. They also have the right to enjoy good meals. I just want to serve them as well just the way I did to you."

I parked the car on one side of the metal gate. Hoseok stomped out to aid me with the nourishment sacks. He picked two if them and lead our way into the entrance. I pressed the bell, waiting for it to open up.

Few seconds later, a middle-aged lady unclasped the wooden barrier, allowing us to feel the cosy inner atmosphere. The fireplace was burning. The hall itself had two or three slide up windows, shaded with white silk curtains. A spongy couch was situated at one corner of the lobby. The air was warm, diffused with a smell of orange plum cake. The odour circulated from the scullery.

I slowly advanced my feet inside but stopped on perceiving a voice,"Who are you? Are you Hoseok's girlfriend?"

"No eomma, she's only a friend. Don't embaress her," Hoseok spoke while returning from the kitchenette.

"Oh sorry I thought you are...."

"It's okay aunty. No problem," I assured with a bright smile.

She accompanied me to the settee upon which an old female was sitting at one end it. I sat after her and looked at her face. She was probably Hoseok's grandmother. Crippled skinny cheeks, wizened skin, furrowed forehead, ripe old greyish hair, flat lips and thin eyebrows. She reminded me of my granny who passed out two years back in Chuncheon. My sweet angel, I miss her now.

"What is your name young girl?" she asked in a crumbled shrill voice.

"I'm Park Hanuel. I'm Hoseok's new friend. We met just a week back in the college."

"Oh I see. Looks like he has got a nice girl after days."

I don't know why but my cheeks seemed to heat up. I rubbed my cheeks and turned down the sensations. She chortled at my awkward emotions. Guess what, maybe she knew what it meant. She is a grown up old afterall.

"Hoseok is actually a rare breed. He's too good for those nasty rude girls in his college. I don't like them neither does he. He never gets close to someone irrespective of my taste," Hoseok's granny stated, pride polishing each of the letters that escaped her mouth.

I nodded. She was right. I never saw him talking to another girl till the time I have known him for real. Whenever I saw him around, he was laughing with his friends or chatting with some teacher.

"Well helmoni, Hoseok said that his appa is living alone somewhere. How do you manage your expenses?"

"I own a tailoring shop at the Itaewon street. My daughter-in-law has a bakery here near the police station. Whatever little we earn is not enough for running our livelihood. So the children also put in their contributions," she explained, fixing her glasses.

"So why did he choose street dancing as his source of income? He has got pretty good qualifications for a nice job."

"That's because he wanted to earn it that way," Mrs. Jung hopped in. She passed me a cup of coffee with a piece of plum cake on a palate and continued her convo,"He likes to do everything with passion. From a very young age, he wished to become a dancer when he grew up. But for his fate, he had to give up on his dream not before long."

I do agree with her. He's an excellent dancer indeed. He deserves so much better. Hoseok, I really wanted to help him with his aspirations.

Moreover I learnt that his college gave him concessions on his monthly fees. He was given full independence to pay the amount which his family can prefer in the easiest way possible. All these while when the two adult females were busy explaining about all, Hoseok braced up himself in a fresh pair of pyjamas and strolled down the wooden stairs. His feet cascaded the planks that raised some creaks owing to its age.

I returned home and thought a lot about this. I promised to myself not to leave any way untried to fulfill Hoseok's dream, to make his dream come true. I didn't know why I was doing this but I wanted him to be happy wholeheartedly.

His grandmother who resembled my granny should get the chance to be proud of her grandson, which she lost in her own offspring.

In my room, I sat by the window. The cold freezy wind had started blowing through the shades and branches. The sky was clear from clouds. I watched through the licked window glass, it's glass reflected my face. Invisible bruises stained my visage. All I wanted then was a happy Hoseok free from all sorts of chains of confinements.


Here you go. Coming back soon!!! Till then stay healthy and happy!! Ily

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